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In Pursuit of God

Tekijä: James L. Snyder

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1872147,618 (3.75)-
To understand the continued and far-reaching ministry of A. W. Tozer, it is important to know who he was, including his relationship with God. In The Life of A. W. Tozer, James Snyder lets us in on the life and times of a deep thinker who was not afraid to "tell it like it is" and never compromised his beliefs. Tozer's spiritual legacy continues today as his writings challenge audiences to a deeper relationship and worship of God in reverence and adoration. Here is Tozer's life story, from boyhood and his conversion at the age of seventeen, to his years of pastoring and writing more than forty books, at least two regarded as Christian classics that continue to appear on bestseller lists. Examining Tozer's life allows the listener to learn from a prophet with much to say against the compromises he observed in contemporary Christian living and the hope he found in his incredible God.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
An excellent picture of Tozer the spirit-filled man of God. ( )
  GeoffSC | Jul 25, 2020 |
Enjoyed the biography, interesting information about his practice of ministry ( )
  mikestacey6 | Jul 8, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


To understand the continued and far-reaching ministry of A. W. Tozer, it is important to know who he was, including his relationship with God. In The Life of A. W. Tozer, James Snyder lets us in on the life and times of a deep thinker who was not afraid to "tell it like it is" and never compromised his beliefs. Tozer's spiritual legacy continues today as his writings challenge audiences to a deeper relationship and worship of God in reverence and adoration. Here is Tozer's life story, from boyhood and his conversion at the age of seventeen, to his years of pastoring and writing more than forty books, at least two regarded as Christian classics that continue to appear on bestseller lists. Examining Tozer's life allows the listener to learn from a prophet with much to say against the compromises he observed in contemporary Christian living and the hope he found in his incredible God.

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