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Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom

Tekijä: Carol Ann Tomlinson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
752366,448 (5)-
A dynamic look at assessment and grading through the lens of differentiated instruction.

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näyttää 2/2
Differentiation relates more to addressing students' different phases of learning from novice to capable to proficient rather than merely providing different activities to different groups
  Katyabel | Jul 16, 2015 |
When reading this book from a teacher librarian perspective, there comes an overwhelming urge to sit down with a group of major educational consultants like Carol and Jay McTighe and a number of others to work through a different scenario than helping the isolated teacher in the isolated classroom “covering” prescribed content. Dr. Tomlinson addresses content understanding and “process” by which she means a teaching strategy. We would like these major thinkers to turn their attention to the real world of rich information environments, rich technology environments, and teaming the classroom teacher with a teacher librarian to assess how both working together can produce not just an expected result but challenge kids to exceed expectations. This volume concentrates on what teachers assess, when, and how they assess. But. what about the students themselves? What about what other specialists in the school can contribute to assessment? There are solid ideas here for just one piece of the total picture of assessment and teacher librarians are likely to participate in a professional development discussion of these strategies, but we urge that you be prepared with other perspectives that demonstrate your contribution to teaching and learning, and urge other types of measures. So, if this book is being discussed in your faculty, you must read it; otherwise, we are still looking for a broader perspective some time this century…
  davidloertscher | Jan 24, 2014 |
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A dynamic look at assessment and grading through the lens of differentiated instruction.

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