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Idaho Falls: The Untold Story of America's First Nuclear Accident

Tekijä: William McKeown

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
672399,909 (4.19)2
The little-known true story of a mysterious nuclear reactor disaster--years before Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, or Fukushima.   Before the Three Mile Island incident or the Chernobyl disaster, the world's first nuclear reactor meltdown to claim lives happened on US soil. Chronicled here for the first time is the strange tale of SL-1, an experimental military reactor located in Idaho's Lost River Desert that exploded on the night of January 3, 1961, killing the three crewmembers on duty.   Through exclusive interviews with the victims' families and friends, firsthand accounts from rescue workers and nuclear industry insiders, and extensive research into official documents, journalist William McKeown probes the many questions surrounding this devastating blast that have gone unanswered for decades.   From reports of faulty design and mismanagement to incompetent personnel and even rumors of sabotage after a failed love affair, these plausible explanations raise startling new questions about whether the truth was deliberately suppressed to protect the nuclear energy industry.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
This book certainly felt more like a popular crime novel than a history of the SL-1 accident. There is a good deal of information here that hasn't been addressed in other works that I've read, so it was a very interesting read. The author includes information on the men involved in the accident and certain events that may have influenced what happened.
The author seems to base most of this information on interviews with people involved in the event, which gives a less than authoritative feel to the book. Not to say I didn't enjoy it. While other works have discussed this event, they did not go into the kind of detail found here. The fascinating (if not gruesome) aftermath of the event is discussed in great detail, such as the recovery of the bodies and the autopsies.
The author's style is a bit odd at times. He refers to the reactor as buzzing like bees multiple times, which I found distracting. I've never been close enough to a reactor to hear it, but I doubt it resembles bees very much. The author also seems to dance around the big love-triangle theory that is associated with this accident. While I found the love-triangle referred to multiple times, the author doesn't give a solid description of what was alleged to have happened, or any evidence to support this was the case at all. This was quite frustrating and makes me resistant to the idea that a love triangle was really responsible for what happened.
To the book's credit, some of the photos included were excellent and really added to my understanding of the accident and the aftermath.
Despite the flaws, this would be an interesting read for anyone interested in those odd historical events that aren't well known; as well as those interested in atomic history. In the end, I have to say I liked it, despite the flaws. ( )
  LISandKL | Feb 9, 2015 |
recommended by Pancha
  escrita | Nov 21, 2012 |
näyttää 2/2
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The little-known true story of a mysterious nuclear reactor disaster--years before Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, or Fukushima.   Before the Three Mile Island incident or the Chernobyl disaster, the world's first nuclear reactor meltdown to claim lives happened on US soil. Chronicled here for the first time is the strange tale of SL-1, an experimental military reactor located in Idaho's Lost River Desert that exploded on the night of January 3, 1961, killing the three crewmembers on duty.   Through exclusive interviews with the victims' families and friends, firsthand accounts from rescue workers and nuclear industry insiders, and extensive research into official documents, journalist William McKeown probes the many questions surrounding this devastating blast that have gone unanswered for decades.   From reports of faulty design and mismanagement to incompetent personnel and even rumors of sabotage after a failed love affair, these plausible explanations raise startling new questions about whether the truth was deliberately suppressed to protect the nuclear energy industry.

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4 13
5 4

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