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Galatians: A Geneva Series Commentary

Tekijä: John Brown

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1871147,618 (3.67)-
"Dr John Brown of Edinburgh (1784-1858) can be ranked among the finest biblical expositors of his own or of any age. C. H. Spurgeon said of the present volume in his Commenting and Commentaries: 'Brown is a modern Puritan. All his expositions are of the utmost value. The volume on Galatians is one of the scarcest books in the market.' As a theological professor, Brown was strongly convinced that his students' views should be 'not only consistent with, but derived from a careful exegesis of the "words which the Holy Ghost teacheth" ... it has been my sincere desire to bring out of the inspired words what is really in them, and to put nothing into them that is not really there.' But as the pastor of a congregation, Brown was also anxious that his expositions should edify all Christians and not only instruct students. As a result his commentaries are unusually helpful to all kinds of readers. The Trust has already published his commentary on Hebrews in the Geneva Series, as well as his three-volume Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved… (lisätietoja)

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The expositions of John Brown (1784-1858) are unusually helpful to all kinds of readers. Spurgeon said in his Commenting and Commentaries, 'Brown is a modern Puritan of the utmost value. The volume on Galatians is one of the scarcest books in the market.'
  Paul_Brunning | Apr 26, 2016 |
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"Dr John Brown of Edinburgh (1784-1858) can be ranked among the finest biblical expositors of his own or of any age. C. H. Spurgeon said of the present volume in his Commenting and Commentaries: 'Brown is a modern Puritan. All his expositions are of the utmost value. The volume on Galatians is one of the scarcest books in the market.' As a theological professor, Brown was strongly convinced that his students' views should be 'not only consistent with, but derived from a careful exegesis of the "words which the Holy Ghost teacheth" ... it has been my sincere desire to bring out of the inspired words what is really in them, and to put nothing into them that is not really there.' But as the pastor of a congregation, Brown was also anxious that his expositions should edify all Christians and not only instruct students. As a result his commentaries are unusually helpful to all kinds of readers. The Trust has already published his commentary on Hebrews in the Geneva Series, as well as his three-volume Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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