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Pink Tide (Det Sgt Rubens McCauley Thriller)

Tekijä: Jarad Henry

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
314,148,626 (3)-
Rubens McCauley is burnt out and on the edge. Addicted to prescription medication and running from too many years on the front line, he's a shipwreck; a washed-up cop from the old school, searching for the quiet life. And for a while hes found it. Every night, when the sun sets over the ocean in the samll Victorian town of Jutt Rock, the brilliant wash of colour reflected on the shoreline is known as the Pink Tide, a picture-perfect respite. No crime. No stress. Happy days. But the locals have another name for it, which bares its head late one Friday night when McCauley's nephew and his friend are brutally bashed while walking home from a party. As his nephew clings to life in hospital and the other dies, the case makes instant headlines. Suddenly McCauley is back in the lime light, forced to abandon his plans of a new life and find the killer. With the eyes of the nation watching over and his own health rapidly deteriorating, Its a case that will take McCauley to the very edge of breaking point, and test both his faith in the criminal justice system and in human decency itself.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajataeclark, austcrimefiction, bsquaredinoz

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The Rubens McCauley series is one of those little gems of Australian crime fiction, of which PINK TIDE is the third book. We now find McCauley in a seachange respite from the rigours of inner city St Kilda, stationed in the small coastal town of Jutt Rock, admiring the scenery, chilling out, even thinking about taking up surfing.

Until the bashing of his nephew and the death of a local hero. About then everything starts to go badly pear-shaped. McCauley's stress related ailment management, his marriage, the family, the town and the community.

Scratch the surface of most worlds and you'll find a lot of simmering problems - and Jutt Rock's no different. Especially as the investigation proceeds and the tensions boil: between local surfers and footballers, locals and incomers, straight and gay communities.

Henry sets himself a lot of scope in PINK TIDE. He has a plot to unwind which is built around the death and bashing of two local young men. The dead man is a local boy, made good. A surfing hero, somebody that the town is proud to call their own. Somebody with a secret that, for reasons which continue to baffle me completely, is cause for over-reaction in some. The reaction is touched upon, the idiocy of it beautifully highlighted by some simple and touching passages.

Whilst the investigation proceeds, overtaken by the "Big Boys" from Melbourne, McCauley mostly goes it alone. Distracted and distressed by the discovery of his wife's affair, he was a damaged man to start out with and thrown badly off-kilter by the conglomeration of all events, he presses on for the truth, playing your classic lone hand. Taking risks, stomping over the rules, opening up each and every dark box he can find.

There's considerably more damage in PINK TIDE than I remember from the earlier books in the series. There's also, I can't help feeling, a bit more of an edge, more risks. It's raw in places, and it's dark and uncomfortable sometimes. It's also fast-paced and chaotic. Which is probably the best way to describe McCauley as well.

http://www.austcrimefiction.org/review/review-pink-tide-jarad-henry ( )
  austcrimefiction | Jan 16, 2014 |
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Rubens McCauley is burnt out and on the edge. Addicted to prescription medication and running from too many years on the front line, he's a shipwreck; a washed-up cop from the old school, searching for the quiet life. And for a while hes found it. Every night, when the sun sets over the ocean in the samll Victorian town of Jutt Rock, the brilliant wash of colour reflected on the shoreline is known as the Pink Tide, a picture-perfect respite. No crime. No stress. Happy days. But the locals have another name for it, which bares its head late one Friday night when McCauley's nephew and his friend are brutally bashed while walking home from a party. As his nephew clings to life in hospital and the other dies, the case makes instant headlines. Suddenly McCauley is back in the lime light, forced to abandon his plans of a new life and find the killer. With the eyes of the nation watching over and his own health rapidly deteriorating, Its a case that will take McCauley to the very edge of breaking point, and test both his faith in the criminal justice system and in human decency itself.

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