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Pedal It!: How Bicycles are Changing the World

Tekijä: Michelle Mulder

Sarjat: Orca Footprints (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
482538,874 (4.5)-
Pedal It! celebrates the humble bicycle--from the very first boneshakers to the sleek racing bikes of today, from handlebars to spokes to gear sprockets--and shows you why and how bikes can make the world a better place. Not only can bikes be used to power computers and generators, they can also reduce pollution, promote wellness and get a package across a crowded city--fast! Informative but not didactic, Pedal It! encourages young readers to be part of the joy of cycling.… (lisätietoja)

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These two books, new from the Orca Footprints series, explore the different ways in which kids around the world can contribute through food growth and consumption and bike riding. Both books are packed with facts, colorful photographs depicting situations from many different cultures and and countries, and personal narratives that describe the ways in which the authors, themselves, work to be a part of the choices they recommend readers might engage in to make the world a better place. Each chapter starts with a "riddle" that acts more like a knock knock joke, is sprinkled with "food" or "bike" fact inlays, and covers a wide breadth of information within each subtopic. In Nikki Tate's Down to Earth, she discusses the dozens of ways kids can get involved in planting, growing, raising and harvesting their own food; covering topics like fruit and vegetable farming, raising farm and working animals, and selling or trading goods. Michelle Mulder's Pedal It! starts from the inception of the bicycle, its history throughout the world, the different ways in which different cultures use bikes in their daily activities, and how cycling culture is changing the world. Both authors include multiple insets that connect their words and advice to their own, personal experiences with their topics, which adds flavor and authenticity to the text. Though the photos in both books are well-composed and artful, the captions are over-crowded. The content, itself, is also a little advanced for its target audience with text-packed pages and large words that might be too big. Both books would benefit from a pronunciation guide and glossary, which are unfortunately absent. Both books include tables of content, "riddles", fact inlays, resources for further study, and indices. Recommended. ( )
  sroslund | Sep 19, 2013 |
Last week I reviewed Orca Footprints' book about children being involved in the food process, Down to earth: How kids help feed the world. This week I'm looking at the other title so far in this series, about bicycles.

The book opens with a history of bicycles, including facts on how they changed history, especially the lives of women. The second chapter explains how modern bicycles work, gives a brief tutorial on learning to ride a bike, and talks a little about some of the new things bikes are doing, like being made out of bamboo or being used to harness electricity. The third chapter talks about some of the ways bicycles are used, from fun tournaments to everyday life. "Pedaling for change" the final chapter, explains how bicycles are changing the world today, offering people new opportunities and helping the environment.

Interspersed throughout the chapters are photographs of bicycles in action, personal anecdotes from the author's own life, and historical details and modern facts about bicycles. The back matter includes books, a movie and websites, acknowledgements and an index.

I appreciated that while the book didn't really address people who can't practically switch to a car-free, bicycle-centric life, it also didn't rant and rave about them. Bicycles are great, but it's not practical for, say, people living in Wisconsin to bike 11 miles to work in several feet of snow (or 11 miles to work any day, on a highway, for that matter. I'd have to be in serious physical condition to attempt that feat. I'm not) However, there is lots of practical advice for kids wanting to bike more often and parents wanting to make their lives a little more healthy and less car-dependent. The history sections were interesting and not too lengthy and kids will especially like the many photos and information on the ways bicycles are used around the world.

Verdict: This might be a little more popular in an urban environment, but there are quite a few kids who ride bikes in our area and even a few parents, so I think it's worth purchasing in any library, just for the look at how bicycles are used around the world.

ISBN: 9781459802193; Published 2013 by Orca; Borrowed from the library; Purchased for the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Jul 8, 2013 |
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Pedal It! celebrates the humble bicycle--from the very first boneshakers to the sleek racing bikes of today, from handlebars to spokes to gear sprockets--and shows you why and how bikes can make the world a better place. Not only can bikes be used to power computers and generators, they can also reduce pollution, promote wellness and get a package across a crowded city--fast! Informative but not didactic, Pedal It! encourages young readers to be part of the joy of cycling.

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