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Once: Gypsy Fairy Tale, Book One (Volume 1)

Tekijä: Dana Michelle Burnett

Sarjat: Gypsy Fairy Tale (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1311,535,757 (3.5)-
Beautiful. Secretive. Magical. You envy their freedom, but you are distrustful of their ways. A strange carnival has come to Corydon, Indiana and the Irish Travellers have captured the small town's attention--but it's Harmony who's attracted theirs. Harmony sees the Travellers everywhere and just like everyone else in town she's curious. But once she meets the mysterious and captivating Kieran, Harmony's life takes an exciting and chilling turn. Up until now, Harmony never believed that fairy tales or myths were real, but Kieran and his family belong to an ancient tribe called the Tuatha de Danann and someone else has discovered their secret. An ancient battle is about to begin again, and now no one is safe, especially Harmony. Can Kieran resist the urge to be with her or will his feelings put her in the crossfire?HarmonyHarmony's life will never be the same...Each and every day was just as normal, and just as boring, as the one before it...And then the Carnival of Wonders comes to town. Suddenly, her small town world is overtaken by the handsome magician Kieran and his Irish Traveller family. She discovers that not all fairy tales are pretend.KieranKieran has waited an eternity for a love like this...Life on the road is never easy, but keeping a secret is even harder. He can't deny how he feels, but he can't turn away from who and what he is. As an old enemy closes in, Kieran's feelings for Harmony put her in the very center of a battle between man and magic. Can he protect her long enough to make her his?… (lisätietoja)

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ONCE is pretty short, sweet, and to the point. Just like this review. The story flowed nicely and included a good amount of mystery and details. It does read like a fairytale but it had a great modern feel to it.

Harmony moved back to town to take care of her Grandmother and as her Grandmother was dying she told Harmony to lock the doors and don't let anyone in. I never really understood while Harmony's Grandmother was so freaked out in the beginning of the book. The day of the funeral the Irish Travelers come to town and here starts the story of Harmony and Kieran. The romance was quick to start and progress, the characters were interesting and the plot was fun.

I was a little disappointed by the ending, but I guess it leads you to want to read book two so I will just have to wait and do just that. ( )
  STACYatUFI | May 17, 2013 |
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Beautiful. Secretive. Magical. You envy their freedom, but you are distrustful of their ways. A strange carnival has come to Corydon, Indiana and the Irish Travellers have captured the small town's attention--but it's Harmony who's attracted theirs. Harmony sees the Travellers everywhere and just like everyone else in town she's curious. But once she meets the mysterious and captivating Kieran, Harmony's life takes an exciting and chilling turn. Up until now, Harmony never believed that fairy tales or myths were real, but Kieran and his family belong to an ancient tribe called the Tuatha de Danann and someone else has discovered their secret. An ancient battle is about to begin again, and now no one is safe, especially Harmony. Can Kieran resist the urge to be with her or will his feelings put her in the crossfire?HarmonyHarmony's life will never be the same...Each and every day was just as normal, and just as boring, as the one before it...And then the Carnival of Wonders comes to town. Suddenly, her small town world is overtaken by the handsome magician Kieran and his Irish Traveller family. She discovers that not all fairy tales are pretend.KieranKieran has waited an eternity for a love like this...Life on the road is never easy, but keeping a secret is even harder. He can't deny how he feels, but he can't turn away from who and what he is. As an old enemy closes in, Kieran's feelings for Harmony put her in the very center of a battle between man and magic. Can he protect her long enough to make her his?

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