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Reporter in Disguise: The Intrepid Vic Steinberg

Tekijä: Christine Welldon

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
On Amelia Bloomer List 2014 Who was Vic Stein? A man who enjoyed a pint of beer at the rugby match? A young woman who worked behind the counter at a local department store? A seamstress in a sweatshop? Yes--she could be any and all of these characters, depending on the story she was chasing for her popular column in the Toronto News. Over 100 years ago, Vic Stein was breaking ground. She was one of the New Women, a Bachelor Girl who pursued a career in investigative journalism-- hardly the type of lifestyle for an upper-middle class young lady. But she had to be stealthy, secretive, and cunning if she wanted her scoop. There are many details we do not know about this secretive and feisty journalist--we don't even know her real name!--but one thing we know for sure: Vic Steinberg would be laughing if she knew that decades after her death, people are still wondering about her and trying to solve the puzzle that was her life. Reviews: "The committee was impressed by the way you brought Vic Steinberg to life as well as by the way you made what life was like for females during this period of history accessible to young readers." -- Amelia Bloomer committee Reporter in Disguise will support investigations in social history, women's studies, Victorian Canada, and media studies." Recommended. -- CM Magazine… (lisätietoja)

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REPORTER IN DISGUISE tries to discover the identity of one woman who made it as a reporter in the late nineteenth century: Canada's own Nellie Bly, Vic Steinberg. Overall, the reconstruction of this mysterious persona is effective, but I would have liked the author to take the investigation deeper. There is unevenness in the presentation that limits the accomplishment of the text. Still, I hope the text will encourage students, male and female, to be excited about journalism and its role as a noble profession.

See my complete review in RESOURCE LINKS 19.1 (Oct 2013).
  laVermeer | Jan 8, 2014 |
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On Amelia Bloomer List 2014 Who was Vic Stein? A man who enjoyed a pint of beer at the rugby match? A young woman who worked behind the counter at a local department store? A seamstress in a sweatshop? Yes--she could be any and all of these characters, depending on the story she was chasing for her popular column in the Toronto News. Over 100 years ago, Vic Stein was breaking ground. She was one of the New Women, a Bachelor Girl who pursued a career in investigative journalism-- hardly the type of lifestyle for an upper-middle class young lady. But she had to be stealthy, secretive, and cunning if she wanted her scoop. There are many details we do not know about this secretive and feisty journalist--we don't even know her real name!--but one thing we know for sure: Vic Steinberg would be laughing if she knew that decades after her death, people are still wondering about her and trying to solve the puzzle that was her life. Reviews: "The committee was impressed by the way you brought Vic Steinberg to life as well as by the way you made what life was like for females during this period of history accessible to young readers." -- Amelia Bloomer committee Reporter in Disguise will support investigations in social history, women's studies, Victorian Canada, and media studies." Recommended. -- CM Magazine

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