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Zipporah, Wife of Moses

Tekijä: Marek Halter

Sarjat: Canaan Trilogy (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5451845,011 (3.49)10
Focuses on the life of Zipporah, the adopted Ethiopian daughter of Jethro, high priest of the Midanites, who became the consort of Moses and who played a vital role in supporting Moses in returning to Egypt to lead the Israelite slaves to freedom.

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> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Halter-La-Bible-au-feminin-Tome-2--Tsippora/9880

> TSIPPORA, La Bible au féminin 2, de Marek Halter - Éd. Robert Laffont. — Avec la force calme de celui qui se sait faire œuvre utile, Marek Halter poursuit l’écriture de sa “Bible au féminin”. Après Sarah, princesse sumérienne, qu’il a eu l’idée géniale de nous décrire dans la splendeur de sa jeunesse, voici Tsippora, que la plupart d’entre nous vont tout simplement découvrir dans ce roman haletant. Qui est donc cette incroyable femme à la peau noire, que le futur fondateur d’Israël va aimer d’une passion incomparable ? Sans elle, semble-t-il, Moïse ne serait jamais devenu lui-même. Sur plus d’un plan, leurs destins se ressemblent.
À commencer par le fait qu’ils sont tous les deux des enfants abandonnés, qu’un sort miraculeux a fait recueillir par une famille royale. Tous les deux ont aussi été contraints de découvrir qu’ils n’étaient pas qui ils croyaient. Et leur double identité, si elle ressemble d’abord à une entaille en plein cœur, va finalement se muer en force. C’est parce qu’elle a dépassé l’attachement atavique de l’identité première que Tippora peut aimer en femme libre. C’est parce qu’il s’est découvert fils d’esclaves juifs, que Moïse est sûr de l’amour qu’il porte à sa mère égyptienne - et retourne au pays des pharaons, qu’il a fui après avoir tué un contremaître sadique. Mais reviendra-t-il de l’autre côté de la Mer Rouge, rejoindre Tsippora ?
Un récit qui bouleverse aussi notre vision de la Bible. (Patrice van EERSEL)
Nouvelles Clés
  Joop-le-philosophe | Apr 3, 2023 |
Would like to read more by this author. ( )
  avdesertgirl | Aug 22, 2021 |
L'autre face de Moïse ( )
  Domdupuis | Dec 27, 2020 |
"Without Zipporah, Moses wouldn’t be Moses. Her thoughts are my thoughts. That’s why she became my wife.”
Although this book is rich in biblical history, I found it to be more of a love story than historical fiction.
The book begins with Moses meeting and saving Zipporah while living as a fugitive. He then, through her encouragement, develops into the prophet who led his people from slavery. ( )
  Chrissylou62 | Aug 1, 2020 |
Good book.....disappointing ending.

I enjoyed this book, though at times it 'dragged' a little. Obviously it is only very loosely based on the Bible. It is an imaginative work. I'd read the other reviews before I read the book and went in expecting to be disappointed. It is true that I did not find it as good as Sarah, but it was still an enjoyable book for me. Though there was some 'racism' in the book, I didn't find this to be as large a factor in the book as I'd been led to believe by the reviews. Zipporah was treated as an outsider by her inlaws, with much jealously displayed, and this was attributed to race, but the bottom line was her sister-in-law and her sister didn't like her; were jealous of her; and racism was as good an excuse as any. They would have found another reason if this one weren't so convenient. The one thing I didn't like in this was how Moses' sibs came off as so petty.
Having said that, I DID enjoy the book right up until the end. It ended much too abrubtly. Not wanting to give away the end,I will only say I found it disappointing. In general, if I don't like the way a book ends, I won't like the book, but I still found this one to be worth reading.
( )
  Time2Read2 | Mar 31, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 18) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (3)

Focuses on the life of Zipporah, the adopted Ethiopian daughter of Jethro, high priest of the Midanites, who became the consort of Moses and who played a vital role in supporting Moses in returning to Egypt to lead the Israelite slaves to freedom.

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Keskiarvo: (3.49)
1 1
1.5 1
2 9
2.5 3
3 36
3.5 7
4 38
4.5 4
5 10

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