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Bitter Nothings

Tekijä: Vicki Tyley

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912,001,013 (4)-

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Dervla Johns wakes one morning to find her two brothers, Emmet and Gabe at her door bearing horrific news. After their mother's death a few years ago their father, Warren had remarried a woman called Lucinda and seemed happily settled with their two young children, who Dervla adores. However, her brothers have come to break the bad news to her that her father's wife and children have been found murdered in their beds, her father is missing and a suspect for the murders.

Dervla refuses to believe that her father would murder his family and tries to find out more about his recent life. Her best friend Sophie tries to provide emotional support, but she is having her own problems with her violent ex-husband Martin. Lucinda's ex-husband, Harry offers to help Sophie but how much can she trust him? Over the course of the investigation many secrets are uncovered and several characters may have motives for the murders.

This is a complex, psychological thriller, well written with plenty of suspense and multiple suspects with hidden secrets. The identity of the killer came as a complete surprise to me at the end. I'm definitely going to be reading more of Vicki Tyley's thrillers. ( )
  cscott | Mar 8, 2014 |
I absolutely love Vicki Tyley’s suspense books, and Bitter Nothings is certainly no exception. Her skill in weaving the various strands of the story together, and in dropping just enough hints and clues to keep you on both the tips of your toes and the edge of your seat, is immense. Each time you think you've got a handle on the plot, it veers off in a new direction and throws you a curve ball. Yet again I did not see the end coming, and her ability to consistently mislead and blindside her readers is remarkable. I think I suspected every single person at one time or another. Her characters are always vivid and realistic and she often sneaks in a bit of humour and a smidgen of romance. Once again, I have no hesitation in wholeheartedly recommending this book.
Once again, Vicky Tyley had me guessing, right from the start, trying to figure out whodunnit. I've enjoyed reading all her books, paying particular attention to her maturing style. And in the process, I've learned quite a bit about contemporary Australian society.
I’ve read all of Vicki Tyley’s books and they all have some qualities that keep me coming back starting with well constructed plots with multiple “suspects” to choose from. I’ve yet to figure out whodunit until just before the climax, often getting completely blindsided. (I then think back to the clues and realize they were all there, if I’d only seen them.) The tension tends to be high, like a thriller, with the protagonist often in danger (or at least feeling they are). The protagonist is always someone I like and find myself pulling for them to solve the mystery. The Australian settings and characters add a little spice, setting them apart and giving me a change of pace from the norm.
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