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Encountering God Together: Leading Worship Services That Honor God, Minister to His People, and Build His Church

Tekijä: David G. Peterson

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921298,449 (5)-
I am often disturbed or disappointed by what I experience when I "go to church",' says David Peterson. 'At first glance the issues seem to be practical... Mostly, however, these practical failings seem to reveal a poor understanding of why we gather, little awareness of how to lead a gathering effectively, and an inadequate grasp of what we should expect from our time together.' In response, Peterson offers this accessible and stimulating exposition, intended to help everyone involved in planning and leading church services think more biblically and creatively about this important ministry. Our ultimate aim should be to honour and glorify God as we take our part in the edification of his church. 'We encounter God by listening to what he has revealed to us in Scripture and by responding to the work of his Son, as the gospel directs. The gift of his Spirit enables us to minister his truth to one another and to take our part in the building of his church. In biblically informed singing, in reading and reflecting on the Bible together, in biblically driven prayer and praise, and in sharing the Lord's Supper together, God confronts us with his character and will for us and makes it possible for us to submit to and serve him appropriately in every area of our lives.'… (lisätietoja)

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David Peterson is concerned that those leading church services do not think through why and how believers should meet together. Consequently many services do not help people encounter God, are not edifying and do not build up Christian fellowship. This concern has brought him to write Encountering God Together.

The theology of worship has been an interest of Peterson for some time. Thus this book is essentially sequel to, and an application of, Engaging with God which he published in 1992. Engaging with God outlined a biblical theology of worship, written as an academic work. In comparison Encountering God Together has been written to be easily accessed and practically used.

Peterson sets out in the introduction that the book’s purpose is to help people planning and leading the church meeting to think biblically and creatively. In the first three chapters Peterson outlines the biblical theology from Engaging with God. The first chapter discusses why we meet together, because God is gathering his people under the Lordship of Jesus. The second chapter defines the concept of worship through word studies on homage, reverence and service. The third chapter Peterson looks at edification, the building up of the fellowship of believers. The subsequent chapters apply this biblical theology. Here he looks at patterns of worship, preaching, public prayer, praising God, singing together, baptism and the Lord’s supper.

The fourth chapter on patterns of worship was particularly helpful. It challenges the reader to think through why and how services are put together. Peterson asks a number of key questions: does the service help believers grow, does the service follow biblical patterns of relating to God together, and does it help believers to serve each other? These are a rebuke to my own superficial service planning.

There seems to be a unresolved question in the book, how does worship and praise relate to each other? I admit that worship and praise are synonyms in my thinking. While Peterson defines both concepts clearly, he doesn’t show the nuances between these concepts. Such a clarification would have been helpful.

Overall this is a very helpful and practical book for ministerial self-reflection and training those who lead services. Especially useful are the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. This is a book to be read and re-read so that services glorify God and build up his people together.

Recieved and reviewed for the Churchman.
  James.Durbin | Dec 22, 2014 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

I am often disturbed or disappointed by what I experience when I "go to church",' says David Peterson. 'At first glance the issues seem to be practical... Mostly, however, these practical failings seem to reveal a poor understanding of why we gather, little awareness of how to lead a gathering effectively, and an inadequate grasp of what we should expect from our time together.' In response, Peterson offers this accessible and stimulating exposition, intended to help everyone involved in planning and leading church services think more biblically and creatively about this important ministry. Our ultimate aim should be to honour and glorify God as we take our part in the edification of his church. 'We encounter God by listening to what he has revealed to us in Scripture and by responding to the work of his Son, as the gospel directs. The gift of his Spirit enables us to minister his truth to one another and to take our part in the building of his church. In biblically informed singing, in reading and reflecting on the Bible together, in biblically driven prayer and praise, and in sharing the Lord's Supper together, God confronts us with his character and will for us and makes it possible for us to submit to and serve him appropriately in every area of our lives.'

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