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The Valentine's Arrangement (Hard Feelings, #1)

Tekijä: Kelsie Leverich

Sarjat: Hard Feelings (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
997277,328 (3.32)-
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The "emotional, spicy-hot story" (Belle's Book Bag) that propelled Kelsie Leverich to the New York Times bestseller list!

Tattoo artist Ronnie Clark is counting the days until Valentine's Day is over. Ronnie doesn't do romance. She doesn't do flowers or dates, and she sure as hell doesn't do love??not anymore. Love leads to heartbreak, and she's vowed never to let herself get hurt again.

Sergeant First Class Kale Emerson is home on his mid-tour leave from Iraq, but he only has one thing on his mind??returning to his soldiers to finish leading their mission. He's dedicated to his men and to his country, and he's not interested in getting wrapped up in a distracting relationship??but casual sex, that's a different story. From the moment he sees Ronnie, he wants her. And he agrees to her terms: no romance, no fluff??just passion.

But as their sexual chemistry ignites, the lines of their arrangement get blurry, and Ronnie starts to push Kale away. And when Kale realizes he's found his match in this gorgeous, razor-tongued woman who is hell-bent against love, winning her heart could be the toughest battle he has ever… (lisätietoja)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I'm halfway through and it's not bad. Because I know the narrator (Abby Craden) well, I think this novel suffers from blurring into all those books that have gone before in my mind.

Finished the book and enjoyed it so upped the score by half a star. Who can resist a tender lover?! By the end Kale and Ronnie found their identities in spite of the narrator. Not that Abby Craden isn't superb at reading steamy romances. ( )
  Okies | Jul 29, 2022 |
I liked the Hero and the military aspect of this story. The heroine was too rough for my taste. I have no issue with a bad girl or use of the F word, but I couldn't understand what the Hero saw in her. We didn't get to see many redeeming qualities to offset the bitchiness, other than the humorous aspect of her blunt personality, and I felt the Hero had to do too much butt-kissing to win her over.

Editing wise, the frequent misuse of present tense (has, is, etc.) amidst an otherwise past-tense narrative was very distracting. An easy fix that I would suggest the author address and perhaps upload an edited version.

I'm not sure of the word count but I have a feeling this falls into the novella category, and I wish the description at Goodreads and Amazon specified that. Definitely a difference in plot & character complexity in a novella, and readers should know in advance in case they're looking for a certain type of reading experience. ( )
  RachelDavenSkinner | Mar 19, 2019 |
I thought the descriptions in this book were so good I felt like I was in the story or was watching it unfold. Great story, sexy hero, hot, cheeky heroine. I just loved this book. One that I can see my self re-reading again and again. ( )
  seanbata | Jun 14, 2015 |
This was a great short read .

“I didn’t want the line to get blurry, and I sure as hell didn’t want you to cross it.”

Ronnie Clark, an edgy tattoo artist with hopes of high tailing it out of the forsaken Military town she followed her now ex-fiancé to, is counting down the days until Valentine’s Day is over. Ronnie doesn’t do romance. She doesn’t do flowers or dates, and she sure as hell doesn’t do love—not anymore. After her fiancé slept with a female solider while deployed, she has vowed never to fall in love again, especially with a soldier.

Sergeant First Class Kale Emerson is home on his mid-tour leave from Iraq, but he only has one thing on his mind—returning to his deployment to finish leading his soldiers on their mission. The last thing he wants is a relationship, but casual sex, that’s a different story. And when he meets the renowned tattoo artist Ronnie Clark, a snarky, blunt, takes no prisoners kind of woman, that seems to be all he can think about.

But when Kale realizes he has met his match with a bombshell woman who is hell bent against love, will just sex be enough? And if it’s not, will he be able to convince Ronnie that the proverbial hearts and flowers aren’t so bad after all, even if he is a soldier?

“You changed something inside me, something I didn’t ever think I would want, or feel—but you did, and now I can’t go back”

Ronnie was such a great character-just loved everything about her, from her tattoos~to her high heels~to her attitude. I loved the way she interacted with Mic, Jordan and especially Kale~loved her witty comebacks!! Her attitude was so harsh but she could be sweet and funny also. I felt bad for her because of how she grew up and what happened with Brandon. I so wanted her to kick him in his junk!! lol She definitely deserved someone like Kale!

Kale.sexy smile, Captain America(so funny), gorgeous, awesome tattoo, alone, sweet, protective, caring, fierce and loyal. I couldn't help but fall for his character~the meaning of the tattoo on his back, the way he acted towards his soldiers and their families, and how he went to see his grams!! *sigh* Definitely hero material! I loved the scene where Kale and Ronnie first met.

Such a well written, fun, emotional, spicy~hot story that had me from the start.

“You can stop mind fucking me now ." Kale's Eyes Came close to popping out of his head. "Excuse me ?"
Ronnie rolled her eyes . "Let's get this straight, soldier. I'm not sleeping with you. You can get it out of your pretty little head, and I suggest you do so before I stick a needle to your skin.”
( )
  Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
Ronnie is one hot tuff chick- I want to be her!
Kale well he's a hunk a hunk of burning love that I think I am in Love with lol.
Ronnie sure won't give in she is one tuff cookie even know she wants to give in she just won't it's almost heart breaking. Lot's of Hot steamy sex. The ending wasn't the greatest I wish there was an Epilogue or a better HEA but it is what it is.


"Why did he have to come in here looking like a waling ad for sexy 'r' us?"

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  iloveladyporn | Dec 6, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The "emotional, spicy-hot story" (Belle's Book Bag) that propelled Kelsie Leverich to the New York Times bestseller list!

Tattoo artist Ronnie Clark is counting the days until Valentine's Day is over. Ronnie doesn't do romance. She doesn't do flowers or dates, and she sure as hell doesn't do love??not anymore. Love leads to heartbreak, and she's vowed never to let herself get hurt again.

Sergeant First Class Kale Emerson is home on his mid-tour leave from Iraq, but he only has one thing on his mind??returning to his soldiers to finish leading their mission. He's dedicated to his men and to his country, and he's not interested in getting wrapped up in a distracting relationship??but casual sex, that's a different story. From the moment he sees Ronnie, he wants her. And he agrees to her terms: no romance, no fluff??just passion.

But as their sexual chemistry ignites, the lines of their arrangement get blurry, and Ronnie starts to push Kale away. And when Kale realizes he's found his match in this gorgeous, razor-tongued woman who is hell-bent against love, winning her heart could be the toughest battle he has ever

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