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American lands and letters : The Mayflower to Rip-Van-Winkle

Tekijä: Donald Grant Mitchell

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The New York Times praised this collection as "more than a history of our early literature.  Prosaic it never is; warm with life and general suggestion it always is." The contents include, "Early Painting and Poetry," "Thomas Paine," "President, Preacher, and Poet," "Sea-Stories and Others," and, "Washington Irving," among many other interesting topics.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatsusangeib, EvanstonMasonic, Millgrove, chriscross

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$450. Very Fine condition. Engraved frontispiece and chart. Original pictorial brown cloth. First edition. The dedication copy, inscribed by the author to his daughter on the front free endpaper: "For Dear Harrie! whop has put her Xmas monies-(a waste of shekals!)-into the purchase of this book, & so, has given me the tenderest compliment of the season! New York 1898 Donald. G. Mitchell." Opposite the dedication leaf, Mitchell has tipped in a manuscript note: "To My Daughters-who have never done me a more unkind thing than to urge me to the writing & printing of this little book, & who have loved and encouraged me-by insisting that it is better than it really is: God bless them!? D.G.M." The printed dedication reads: "This volume is affectionately inscribed to those daughters of Edgewood who have helped the author in so many searching and housewifely ways, and who have encouraged him by kindly insisting-over and over-that this little book was a great deal better than it really is. God bless them! D. G. M. February 22, 1897."
  susangeib | Oct 30, 2023 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The New York Times praised this collection as "more than a history of our early literature.  Prosaic it never is; warm with life and general suggestion it always is." The contents include, "Early Painting and Poetry," "Thomas Paine," "President, Preacher, and Poet," "Sea-Stories and Others," and, "Washington Irving," among many other interesting topics.

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