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Illuminata: A Return to Prayer (1994)

Tekijä: Marianne Williamson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
723331,897 (3.98)4
From the bestselling author of A Woman's Worth and A Return to Love. Prayer is practical, Marianne Williamson tells us. "To look at God is to look to the realm of consciousness that can deliver us from the pain of living." Illuminata brings prayer into our daily lives, with prayers on topics from releasing anger to finding forgiveness, from finding great love to achieving intimacy. There are prayers for couples, for parents, and for children, prayers to mend broken relationships and prayers to overcome obsessive and compulsive love. There are prayers to heal the soul, prayers to heal the body, and prayers for work and creativity. Williamson also gives us prayers for the healing of America, including two prayers that have had powerful effects on audiences at her lectures: a prayer of amends on behalf of European Americans to African Americans and one to Native Americans. How, Williamson asks, can we expect anyone to forgive when we have made no formal apology? Illuminata is a way to bring prayer into practical use, creating a sweeter, more abundant life for yourself and the people you care for. "No conventional therapy," she says, "can release us from a deep and abiding psychic pain. Through prayer we find what we cannot find elsewhere: a peace that is not of this world." A Woman's Worth, by Marianne Williamson, is also available from Random House Audio. Illuminata is available on cassette from Random House Audio.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
A collection of thoughts and prayers on topics that range from releasing anger to finding forgiveness, and from finding great love to achieving intimacy. There are prayers for couples, parents and children, and for use at various ceremonies marking the signal events in people's lives.
  PendleHillLibrary | Mar 5, 2024 |
Williamson is currently running for US President. This book is a hodgepodge of influences which she herself doesn't recognize as crass syncretism. This is one of the earlier books to assert that "new age" consciousness in America should shape the rest of the planet whether other people want it or not. Argues for open borders. Illuminata refers to the renaissance of the fallen human race, as she sees it. Not worth the time to read.
  sacredheart25 | Jun 9, 2019 |
Very nice ( )
  Harrod | Dec 5, 2008 |
näyttää 3/3
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From the bestselling author of A Woman's Worth and A Return to Love. Prayer is practical, Marianne Williamson tells us. "To look at God is to look to the realm of consciousness that can deliver us from the pain of living." Illuminata brings prayer into our daily lives, with prayers on topics from releasing anger to finding forgiveness, from finding great love to achieving intimacy. There are prayers for couples, for parents, and for children, prayers to mend broken relationships and prayers to overcome obsessive and compulsive love. There are prayers to heal the soul, prayers to heal the body, and prayers for work and creativity. Williamson also gives us prayers for the healing of America, including two prayers that have had powerful effects on audiences at her lectures: a prayer of amends on behalf of European Americans to African Americans and one to Native Americans. How, Williamson asks, can we expect anyone to forgive when we have made no formal apology? Illuminata is a way to bring prayer into practical use, creating a sweeter, more abundant life for yourself and the people you care for. "No conventional therapy," she says, "can release us from a deep and abiding psychic pain. Through prayer we find what we cannot find elsewhere: a peace that is not of this world." A Woman's Worth, by Marianne Williamson, is also available from Random House Audio. Illuminata is available on cassette from Random House Audio.

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5 21

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