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Storm Riders

Tekijä: Margaret Weis, Robert Krammes

Muut tekijät: Jeff Easley (Dragon art), Ellisa Mitchell (Maps)

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Dragon Brigade (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
924309,339 (3.71)1
"In a world where magic is intrinsic to the fabric of everyday life, two kingdoms, centuries-long enemies, have long sought a powerful magical weapon that will win them lasting dominance. But neither realm is ready when they are both attacked by the Bottom-Dwellers, a bitter people whose own land was destroyed, and who now live only to take vengeance on those they blame for a wretched life in the storm-tossed abyss they inhabit. Using contramagic strengthened by blood sacrifice to attack the world above, they threaten to bring down whole cities, or even the island kingdoms themselves. Freya and Rosia are forced to put aside their age-old conflict to defend themselves, or risk losing everything. As the Bottom-Dwellers' contramagic eats away at the magic of the dragons that helps protect the world above, a former dragon-riding hero gathers a ragtag group to form a new dragon brigade, the one desperate hope of the two kingdoms to defeat the fiends who threaten their world. As the effects of contramagic bring the world ever closer to disaster, the new dragon brigade fight the vengeful adversary. Their high-flying heroics will be to no avail, though, unless they can somehow uncover forbidden knowledge, long hidden by the Church, without which they will never be able to prevent the world's destruction. Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes deliver yet another exciting dragon brigade adventure in Storm Riders"--… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

näyttää 4/4
Interesting world, but bland characters and simple villains. ( )
  kaitlynn_g | Dec 13, 2020 |
Book 2 of the Dragon Brigade series lives up to book 1. The continuing adventures of the Cadre of the Lost is replete with political intrigue, religious doctrine, pending wars, good v. evil inside a thoroughly developed world. Hundreds of years ago, the island of Glasearrach was sunk to the bottom of the world. What most didin't realize is that people were on that island when it was lowered into the Breath. Now the Bottom Dwellers (those that survived the rendering) have made it back to the surface with vengeance in their hearts. Meanwhile, political intrigue and pending war separate the peoples of Freya and Rosia as neither trusts the other and both are looking to control the "Blood of God" which is the magical substance that allows ships to be powered and cities to be suspended in the air. The cadre, plus Father Jacob Northrop, Sir Ander Martel, Sir Henry Wallace, Dubois, D'Argent and the Marquis de Marjolaine all are aware that if both sides fail to come together to fight this new foe, humanity is lost. ( )
  phoenixcomet | Mar 14, 2017 |
As good as the first book-- what more must be said? The dangers only increase as the Bottom Dwellers step up their attacks, and the dangers become all too real in Rosia. Armed with the knowledge that metal imbued with magic can defend against contramagic (and with several encounters with bottom-dwellers) Rodrigo is beginning to create his own defenses for contramagic attacks. As the most powerful people in the world (not the rulers, but those beyond the spotlight who quietly run the countries) set aside old differences to help prepare for the Bottom Dweller attacks-- attacks which are not recognized by the various countries as such-- things continue to spiral out of control. Father Jacob continues his quest to understand the studies of Saint Marie, a quest which eventually leads him to the dragon nobility and the startling truth that this fight is not only a human fight, and that there is far more to dragon magic that people ever realized. Meanwhile the Cadre continue their efforts to send a tankard to the Countess and return to the continent. As the story progresses, Stephano begins to realize that he is neither as alone nor as unloved as he had imagined. ( )
  Ailinel | May 1, 2015 |
After winning the first reads giveaway for this book, I scrambled to find the first in the series so I could properly review this book. In my review for the first book I noted that Margaret Weis is still one of the finest world creators in the fantasy genre. She makes unbelievable worlds and situations seem plausible. The only hang up I had with the first one was the one dimensional nature of some of the characters, not all just some. Imagine my great joy when my only issue with the first book has seemingly disappeared in the second novel.

If you are looking for a unique fantasy landscape that is littered with medieval, steampunk and political/religious intrigue elements you need look no further.

In this world there are three major political forces, two island kingdoms and the church. The heads of these three groups are continually trying to find an advantage over the other two while still maintaining a grasp on their own secrets. The agents of these three powers are sent on various quests, but they find that time and time again their paths cross and that they all truly have one common goal. To save the known world from the bottom dwellers.

This book was a fun read that kept me riveted. I found it hard to put down, and I would recommend it for sure. ( )
  Ronercat | Aug 12, 2013 |
näyttää 4/4
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Weis, Margaretensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Krammes, Robertpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Easley, JeffDragon artmuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Mitchell, EllisaMapsmuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Rahn, ChrisKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"In a world where magic is intrinsic to the fabric of everyday life, two kingdoms, centuries-long enemies, have long sought a powerful magical weapon that will win them lasting dominance. But neither realm is ready when they are both attacked by the Bottom-Dwellers, a bitter people whose own land was destroyed, and who now live only to take vengeance on those they blame for a wretched life in the storm-tossed abyss they inhabit. Using contramagic strengthened by blood sacrifice to attack the world above, they threaten to bring down whole cities, or even the island kingdoms themselves. Freya and Rosia are forced to put aside their age-old conflict to defend themselves, or risk losing everything. As the Bottom-Dwellers' contramagic eats away at the magic of the dragons that helps protect the world above, a former dragon-riding hero gathers a ragtag group to form a new dragon brigade, the one desperate hope of the two kingdoms to defeat the fiends who threaten their world. As the effects of contramagic bring the world ever closer to disaster, the new dragon brigade fight the vengeful adversary. Their high-flying heroics will be to no avail, though, unless they can somehow uncover forbidden knowledge, long hidden by the Church, without which they will never be able to prevent the world's destruction. Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes deliver yet another exciting dragon brigade adventure in Storm Riders"--

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