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Tekijä: Tara Moss

Sarjat: Mak Vanderwall (6)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
283844,481 (3.3)-
How far would you go for revenge? For survival? Former model turned forensic psychologist and PI Mak Vanderwall is missing, presumed dead in Paris. By hiring a hit man to kill her, the powerful and corrupt Cavanagh family aimed to silence her for good. But after narrowly escaping death, Mak has taken over her would-be killer's world. She is very much alive. And transformed ...… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Even though Moss continues to repeat herself far too much, I found the evolution of the relationships portrayed engaging. Increasingly gruesome towards the end, the conversion of Vanderwall from vigilante to doting mother seemed too easy as did her relationship with the barely contained Flynn. Nonetheless I'm kind of sad that the series ended as it was a fun page turner. ( )
  Stephen.Lawton | Aug 7, 2021 |
Assassin was typical for this Makedde Vanderwall series. Maybe I was distracted at times but Assissin did not seem to hold my interest to the extent other books in this series did. Was it a squel to 'Fetish'? There were enough references to Fetish to make me think it was ans maybe that was the problem with the storyline. ( )
  DCarlin | Jan 23, 2016 |
This is the last in the Makedde Vanderwall series and it's a bit of a murderous and violent conclusion. It wraps up a lot of things but it's clear that to fully appreciate this story you really do need to have read at least the previous two stories in the series, if not all of them. I come away feeling that we should not under estimate women on the level of violence that are able to perpetrate, not that I ever did. It was an enjoyable read, even if certain levels of detail were missing. ( )
  Balthazar-Lawson | Mar 29, 2013 |
näyttää 3/3
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How far would you go for revenge? For survival? Former model turned forensic psychologist and PI Mak Vanderwall is missing, presumed dead in Paris. By hiring a hit man to kill her, the powerful and corrupt Cavanagh family aimed to silence her for good. But after narrowly escaping death, Mak has taken over her would-be killer's world. She is very much alive. And transformed ...

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