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Monsoon Wedding Fever

Tekijä: Shoma Narayanan

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1611,337,161 (3.25)-
Coming home one night, Riya was not expecting to find the man who broke her heart sleeping on her floor! He's a guest at her roommate's wedding, so she's stuck with him 24/7--and the sparks are already flying! Six years ago Riya fell for Dhruv, whereas he didn't believe in love. Not then, not now--the other reason he's in India is to consider an arranged marriage! But as the monsoons start, Riya and Dhruv are forced to confront what drove them apart. Could this wedding fever be...contagious?… (lisätietoja)

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Dhruv and Riya were college sweethearts but due to the emotional baggage carried by Dhruv it did not have a happily ever after ending. Both carried on with their lives.( Why shouldn't they?Thank god for non tragical Romeos and Juliets)

But they were destined to meet again and they do so in Gaurav's marriage. Gaurav was Riya's flatmate ( The first shocker for the Rip Van Winkle in me) while Dhruv being Gaurav's cousin lands up in the apartment they both were staying in. Riya did not know of his arrival and stumbles upon him in the middle of the night.

Old feelings raise their head again and engulfes them. But they did try to fight it off. Oh yeah! Even to the extend of Riya selling off her much beloved car and moving out of the country- only to land up having pre marital sex before going off to Hong Kong.( Okay Rip Van Winkle take a chill pill).

I found the constant clash between the characters interesting. Dhruv battleling with his hangups regarding love in a marriage - due to the constant fights between his parents. On the other hand Riya came from a loving home albeit a poor one. (She definitely had hangups about money)

But overall it was these hangups of the two which kept the story moving. Many readers might feel that every time they were decided to separate only to start kissing after two pages. But isn't that what the clash is supposed to be all about? A clash of emotions?

Besides the love story there was another angle which threw light on the characters of the story. Riya taking care of her parents, proud to ask money from anyone while Dhruv silently helping her parents without informing her. That was the sweetest thing of all. Joining of hearts is definitely important for the success of any relationship but sensitiveness shown towards each others family also creates a stronger bond between two lovebirds. ( )
  Rubina_Ramesh | Sep 20, 2013 |
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Coming home one night, Riya was not expecting to find the man who broke her heart sleeping on her floor! He's a guest at her roommate's wedding, so she's stuck with him 24/7--and the sparks are already flying! Six years ago Riya fell for Dhruv, whereas he didn't believe in love. Not then, not now--the other reason he's in India is to consider an arranged marriage! But as the monsoons start, Riya and Dhruv are forced to confront what drove them apart. Could this wedding fever be...contagious?

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