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The Saga of the Renunciates

Tekijä: Marion Zimmer Bradley

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Darkover: Omnibus Edition (3), Darkover: Publication order (Omnibus 10, 18, & 19)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
407463,158 (3.98)8
Return to the genre-bending world of Darkover, to a trilogy that follows the thrilling story of two Free Amazon women In the three novels which comprise THE SAGA OF THE RENUNCIATES, Marion Zimmer Bradley tells the masterful tale of two valiant women who face and try to break the invisible chains of custom, convention, habit and expectation with which society binds women, and women bind themselves. Magdalen Lorne is a Terran woman born and reared on Darkover. She thinks herself the perfect Terran undercover Intelligence agent, and disguises herself as a Free Amazon to enable her to fulfill a mission to free a Terran man from kidnappers. But when she herself is captured by a band of real Renunciates, she discovers they have a harsh punishment for any pretenders: she must swear the Oath of the Free Amazons, relinquish her former life, and become a Renunciate in reality. Jaelle has been raised in the harsh patriarchal environment of the Dry Towns. Her mother Mellora is a Comyn woman who has been kidnapped in order to breed laran-gifted offspring for her barbarian "husband." But when a desperate, pregnant Mellora dies in childbirth following a daring escape aided by a band of Renunciates, the still young Jaelle is adopted into the Guild, and becomes the Free Amazon Jaelle n'ha Mellora, a woman who has never known kindness from a man. Together Magda, now known as Margali n'ha Tsabet, and her Guild-sister Jaelle will follow a twisting course neither could have predicted. A course which will lead them to question every aspect of themselves and of their two so-different societies. And one which will eventually set them on a life-threatening journey not only to the frozen ends of the physical world, but to the perilous limits of the spiritual overworld as well.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 8 mainintaa

näyttää 4/4
Big gap between first and second books - kinda like the whole emphasis had changed - and what’s with falling off the edge of the world in the last book - the whole guardianship bit is all, all gone. And Lorrill as Camillia’s father - it could have worked except that it would be hard for Margali, Elizabeth’s only child, to have been much younger than C. But who pays attention to genealogies in one book when writing the next. ( )
  quondame | Dec 31, 2017 |
This was my first introduction to the world of Darkover (despite having read many many other of Marion Zimmer Bradley's books), and I was hooked.

I really enjoyed the complex culture of the story, and vivid characters the most. I also found its portrayal of gender issues very interesting, and that facet didn't really detract from the story for me. ( )
  puttocklibrary | Aug 24, 2012 |
Another re-read for me. I've always liked these 3 books in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series. The Renunciates are women living in the feudal, patriarchal Darkovan society who renounce the traditional dependency on men & work to live in new ways doing all kinds of different things. These have been out of print for quite a while, so it was nice to see them in the world again. I read them when they first came out - late '70's/early '80's after my father turned me on to the whole series with The Forbidden Tower (Darkover).

I had wondered if these would be too dated given the changes in feminist thought & theory since they were written, but I found them for the most part surprisingly fresh. I really like Thendara House (Darkover) best as it's the most in-depth examination of the two main characters, Jaelle & Margali, & their own journeys to self-empowerment (yes, Virginia, woman can be Joseph Campbell class heroes, too!).
Good stories & an interesting exploration of gender roles, sexuality (& its many possibilities), friendship, & living in defiance of societal norms. It's a fun read & with 3 books in one will keep you occupied! ( )
2 ääni kraaivrouw | Apr 11, 2009 |
This part of the series focuses on the Free Amazons. GREAT series. ( )
  willowcove | Feb 19, 2009 |
näyttää 4/4
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Marion Zimmer Bradleyensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Kukalis, RomasKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Darkover: Publication order (Omnibus 10, 18, & 19)

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Return to the genre-bending world of Darkover, to a trilogy that follows the thrilling story of two Free Amazon women In the three novels which comprise THE SAGA OF THE RENUNCIATES, Marion Zimmer Bradley tells the masterful tale of two valiant women who face and try to break the invisible chains of custom, convention, habit and expectation with which society binds women, and women bind themselves. Magdalen Lorne is a Terran woman born and reared on Darkover. She thinks herself the perfect Terran undercover Intelligence agent, and disguises herself as a Free Amazon to enable her to fulfill a mission to free a Terran man from kidnappers. But when she herself is captured by a band of real Renunciates, she discovers they have a harsh punishment for any pretenders: she must swear the Oath of the Free Amazons, relinquish her former life, and become a Renunciate in reality. Jaelle has been raised in the harsh patriarchal environment of the Dry Towns. Her mother Mellora is a Comyn woman who has been kidnapped in order to breed laran-gifted offspring for her barbarian "husband." But when a desperate, pregnant Mellora dies in childbirth following a daring escape aided by a band of Renunciates, the still young Jaelle is adopted into the Guild, and becomes the Free Amazon Jaelle n'ha Mellora, a woman who has never known kindness from a man. Together Magda, now known as Margali n'ha Tsabet, and her Guild-sister Jaelle will follow a twisting course neither could have predicted. A course which will lead them to question every aspect of themselves and of their two so-different societies. And one which will eventually set them on a life-threatening journey not only to the frozen ends of the physical world, but to the perilous limits of the spiritual overworld as well.

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Keskiarvo: (3.98)
2 4
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 2
4 21
4.5 4
5 20

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