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The Complete Classical Music Guide

Tekijä: DK

Muut tekijät: John Burrows (Toimittaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1052262,967 (5)-
"The essential listener's guide to more than a thousand years of Western classical music ; Explains the elements and terminology of classical music in clear and simple terms ; Discusses the music and instruments of each period, from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras, to developments in modern music sine 1900 ; Explores the life stories, musical styles, and most popular works of almost 300 composers"--Back of container.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
This book was an instant hit with me. I adore reference books, and this one was excellent. The information is curated by John Burrows with excruciating attention to detail. The format is really appealing, it is interesting to see a timeline of the evolution of classical music that even includes modern composers and modern achievements in the genre. I want to purchase this book, pour some wine, and embark in the most melodious history lesson i would ever get. ( )
  GrettelTBR | Nov 15, 2022 |
The Complete Classical Music Guide from DK Publishing is all I expected and so much more. It successfully navigates that balancing act between offering a wide range of information without sacrificing too much depth.

This book surprised me with almost every page. It starts with the basics, what is music, what are the instruments, what makes an orchestra, and other such things that even those who listen to classical music can sometimes take for granted or forget. Covering the music and composers is done chronologically, starting with early music (1000-1600).

There are so many features in this book and they work together seamlessly. The images support the text, the text does not presuppose a great deal of knowledge but also offers the kind of information and insight that regular listeners can appreciate.

I think what I particularly enjoyed was the way they approached the periods/eras and the composers within each. While the major names do get more space the lesser known are also covered and their contributions noted. Taken together, these offer the reader a chance to find the music and listen their way through the ages. When they get to modern music they offer more than just a list of major works but also, in a very small space, give us some insight into what each composer is or is not, or what she works toward or against.

I am one of those who fall somewhere between a casual listener and a true aficionado. I have listened to classical (in the popular sense) music most of my life but it has never been my primary genre. I have taken some courses on specific composers and/or styles (mostly MOOCs), but that has mainly been to help me better understand the music within its originating context. All in all, music speaks to me on a personal level so learning about it is above and beyond what is absolutely necessary for enjoyment. But it definitely adds to my appreciation when I can understand the whys and hows of a piece. This book is ideal for someone like me. I found new (to me) composers I want to listen to and came to better place the ones I already know in the history of music.

I highly recommend this to anyone with even a casual interest in classical music. It is a beautiful book that is pleasing to the eye while it helps to feed the brain.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  pomo58 | May 22, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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"The essential listener's guide to more than a thousand years of Western classical music ; Explains the elements and terminology of classical music in clear and simple terms ; Discusses the music and instruments of each period, from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras, to developments in modern music sine 1900 ; Explores the life stories, musical styles, and most popular works of almost 300 composers"--Back of container.

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