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I'd Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had: My Year as a Rookie Teacher at Northeast High

Tekijä: Tony Danza

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26221105,276 (3.7)5
Biography & Autobiography. Education. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had is television, screen and stage star Tony Danza’s absorbing account of a year spent teaching tenth-grade English at Northeast High — Philadelphia’s largest high school with 3600 students. 
Entering Northeast’s crowded halls in September of 2009, Tony found his way to a classroom filled with twenty-six students who were determined not to cut him any slack.  They cared nothing about “Mr. Danza’s” showbiz credentials, and they immediately put him on the hot seat. 
Featuring indelible portraits of students and teachers alike, I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had reveals just how hard it is to keep today’s technologically savvy – and often alienated — students engaged, how impressively committed most teachers are, and the outsized role counseling plays in a teacher’s day, given the psychological burdens many students carry.  The book also makes vivid how a modern high school works, showing Tony in a myriad of roles – from lecturing on To Kill a Mockingbird to “coaching” the football team to organizing a talent show to leading far-flung field trips to hosting teacher gripe sessions.
A surprisingly poignant account, I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had is sometimes laugh-out-loud funny but is mostly filled with hard-won wisdom and feel-good tears.
… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatRoshReviews, JanetD1, 2665Lover, jcm790, mroffol, rkrupnick, judico51

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Tony Danza becomes a high school English teacher for a year and talks about it. Though, a few caveats to mention: He only taught one class of 26 students (compared to the 5 classes his fellow teachers taught), he had a television crew present for the first semester, and it seems he used his own wealth and connections to provide a few experiences to his students that others in the same school wouldn't have had.

I appreciated that he bragged on other teachers and showcased his own mistakes, but sometimes his mistakes seemed strange - as if he never attended any kind of orientation or read the school manual, because he didn't know simple things about his school's policies and procedures.

I wasn't crazy about how he seemed to be sacrificing his family relationships (that apparently were already rocky) for this television project. No matter how important education is, the reality is that he was away from his family for a show… Which is more important, really?

He mentioned the strain on his family multiple times, but then never concluded that part of the story in the end, which was so frustrating.

Also, he gave major spoilers for Of Mice and Men, Romeo and Juliet, and West Side Story. (Ironically, he tells a student, "Never give away the ending," and then spoils a story for the reader just a few pages later.)

It was obvious he likes to talk about himself a lot, and more of that should have been edited out. I could care less about his acting career - which is why I picked up this book on teaching.

Note: A small amount of profanity is used, generally in the dialogue of students. ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
3 1/2 stars
Tony Danza agreed to do a series for the A&E Network called Teach, complete with camera crew and the need for ratings drama which he never succumbs to, thankfully. Though the show itself did not do well in ratings (and A&E buried in a late night line up) Danza himself got a lot out of the experience, showing how teachers and students interact in the modern world, how much things have changed and just what kind of challenges everyone is up against (budget cuts, invisible parents, standardized testing, etc.).

Well worth the read. ( )
  fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
This isn't my usual sort of reading material. But my kid sister is in grad school to become a teacher, so I wanted to read something on the subject, and this caught my eye. I'm going to give her a copy, I think. It was a good book; heart-breaking but left me smiling. Teachers have so much shit to deal with from politicians and the media, and from uncaring parents. I really felt for the faculty and staff in this book. I hope my sister likes it. ( )
  SwitchKnitter | Dec 19, 2021 |
This was a wonderful book. I love that Tony Danza wasn't scared to admit that he cried. I also love that he really did want to teach the kids. I wish I had know about the show so I could have watched it. I hope Tony thinks about teaching in the state he lives in. He really could make a difference. ( )
  LVStrongPuff | Dec 19, 2019 |
Fantastic and interesting read about Tony Danza's year teaching in the inner city.
I think this should be a "must read" for any teacher or want to be teacher. ( )
  cubsfan3410 | Sep 1, 2018 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Biography & Autobiography. Education. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had is television, screen and stage star Tony Danza’s absorbing account of a year spent teaching tenth-grade English at Northeast High — Philadelphia’s largest high school with 3600 students. 
Entering Northeast’s crowded halls in September of 2009, Tony found his way to a classroom filled with twenty-six students who were determined not to cut him any slack.  They cared nothing about “Mr. Danza’s” showbiz credentials, and they immediately put him on the hot seat. 
Featuring indelible portraits of students and teachers alike, I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had reveals just how hard it is to keep today’s technologically savvy – and often alienated — students engaged, how impressively committed most teachers are, and the outsized role counseling plays in a teacher’s day, given the psychological burdens many students carry.  The book also makes vivid how a modern high school works, showing Tony in a myriad of roles – from lecturing on To Kill a Mockingbird to “coaching” the football team to organizing a talent show to leading far-flung field trips to hosting teacher gripe sessions.
A surprisingly poignant account, I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had is sometimes laugh-out-loud funny but is mostly filled with hard-won wisdom and feel-good tears.

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Keskiarvo: (3.7)
1 1
2 6
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 3
4 29
4.5 1
5 11

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