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Together: Growing Appetites for God (True Woman)

Tekijä: Carrie Ward

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621435,323 (5)-
Christian parents have a responsibility to make sure their children know and love God's Word. But what if you struggle as a parent to read the Bible yourself. How can you pass a love for God's Word along to your children if you struggle with it yourself? That was Carrie Ward's story. Until God gave her a plan to help her develop a consistent time in the Word, right along with her children. Readers will walk together with Carrie Ward, an everyday mama, as she journeys through the Bible with her small children one chapter a day. As her children re-enact the Bible stories readers will be able to see Scripture through the eyes of a child. Parents will learn how to impart God's truth to their children day by day, and will see its transformative power on their families. Together: Growing Appetites for God is an easy read and includes helpful tools for scripture memorization and charts to follow progress through the Bible. Anbsp;True Womannbsp;Book The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to: Discover, embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their lives Reflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their world Intentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generation Pray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world… (lisätietoja)

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Book Title: Together
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Author: Carrie Ward
Publication Date: 4/1/2012
Received Date: 2/12/2012
Completed Date: 4/11/2012
Reviewed by: Kathy Brandt

This is a wonderful book written by a Christian mom who wanted to read the whole Bible herself, but struggled, like most of us do, in accomplishing that. So, she decides she will begin to read the Bible, aloud, to her children over the breakfast table (she has four children, the youngest at the time was 9 months old). She tells us her wonderful story, what she learns along the way, how the children react, and more. I truly wish I had read this book before my children became adults, because I would of loved to do this with them. What an experience that would of been. This is a great read for anyone, especially those with young children who wish to further themselves and their children in the following of Christ.

I received this book free from the publisher for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. These opinions about this book are my own.

Blog post: http://kathysscraps.blogspot.com/2012/04/book-review-together.html ( )
  KathyBrandt | Apr 11, 2012 |
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Christian parents have a responsibility to make sure their children know and love God's Word. But what if you struggle as a parent to read the Bible yourself. How can you pass a love for God's Word along to your children if you struggle with it yourself? That was Carrie Ward's story. Until God gave her a plan to help her develop a consistent time in the Word, right along with her children. Readers will walk together with Carrie Ward, an everyday mama, as she journeys through the Bible with her small children one chapter a day. As her children re-enact the Bible stories readers will be able to see Scripture through the eyes of a child. Parents will learn how to impart God's truth to their children day by day, and will see its transformative power on their families. Together: Growing Appetites for God is an easy read and includes helpful tools for scripture memorization and charts to follow progress through the Bible. Anbsp;True Womannbsp;Book The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to: Discover, embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their lives Reflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their world Intentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generation Pray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

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