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Note-Taking Made Easy (Study Smart Series)

Tekijä: Judi Kesselman-Turkel

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
37-671,857 (4)-
Updated and revised edition     As every student quickly learns, merely sitting through a class and paying attention is usually not sufficient to ensure good grades. The proper taking of good notes is essential. Note-Taking Made Easy tells why the student should take his or her own notes (rather than buying them or taping lectures), and tells exactly how to determine what is worth noting, whether during a lecture, classroom discussion, even from a book or during a meeting.      The authors describe the two most successful methods of organizing notes--outlining and patterning--and provide shortcuts to really make note-taking easy, from shorthand devices to abbreviations.      Special sections are devoted to taking notes from texts, fiction as well as nonfiction, and handling charts, graphs, and photos. A final chapter shows how to tie together notes from various sources. This STUDY SMART reference guide series, designed for students from junior high school through lifelong learning programs, teaches skills for research and note-taking, presents strategies for test-taking and studying, provides exercises to improve spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, and reveals secrets for putting these skills together in great essays.… (lisätietoja)

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Updated and revised edition     As every student quickly learns, merely sitting through a class and paying attention is usually not sufficient to ensure good grades. The proper taking of good notes is essential. Note-Taking Made Easy tells why the student should take his or her own notes (rather than buying them or taping lectures), and tells exactly how to determine what is worth noting, whether during a lecture, classroom discussion, even from a book or during a meeting.      The authors describe the two most successful methods of organizing notes--outlining and patterning--and provide shortcuts to really make note-taking easy, from shorthand devices to abbreviations.      Special sections are devoted to taking notes from texts, fiction as well as nonfiction, and handling charts, graphs, and photos. A final chapter shows how to tie together notes from various sources. This STUDY SMART reference guide series, designed for students from junior high school through lifelong learning programs, teaches skills for research and note-taking, presents strategies for test-taking and studying, provides exercises to improve spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, and reveals secrets for putting these skills together in great essays.

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