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Zoo Doings: Animal Poems

Tekijä: Jack Prelutsky

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4241359,934 (4.05)1
A collection of forty-six animal poems.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This book of poetry is full of poems on animals. Each poem focuses on one particular animal, which describes their characteristics, personality, and habitat. I would like to use this book in my class because it is really interesting and funny, the author made all of the stories rhyme.This book is good for 3rd readers to read. ( )
  LinWang | Feb 19, 2017 |
Zoo Things is a children poetry book about animals. This book tells that different animals have different appearances, habits traits. I would like to use this book in my teaching, because it is really interesting and uses lots of language jokes.In the meanwhile, kids can learn about the different animals by rhyme poetry. This book is good for 2nd and 3rd readers to read. ( )
  CNKE94297 | Feb 3, 2017 |
This collection of forty-six short animal poems use humor and alliteration to colorfully detail different animals at the zoo in fun rhythm and rhyme. Most appropriate for K-3 read alouds, this figurative language can be used to prompt creative writing and thinking. ( )
  Ali.Simon | Nov 4, 2016 |
I really like this book and think it is appropriate for K-3 as a read aloud. I would specifically use it in 3rd grade to have the studentspick their own animal and write a poem about it using figurative language. ( )
  SarahSangalli | Mar 9, 2016 |
I like these poems because of the clever wit within them. For example, The Bengal Tiger, "the Bengal tiger likes to eat enormous quantities of meat. Now people have been heard to say that tigers hypnotize their prey. So please do not take foolish chances; avoid the Bengal tiger's glances." I like this because not only is it informative, but it is also witty and will grab your attention. Another poem I particularly liked was, The Lion, "the lion has a golden mane and under it a clever brain. He lies around and idly roars and lets the lioness do the chores." This poem is so simple but so humorous to me. I really like that there are poems for every kind of animal you could think of at the zoo. There are poems on mice, zebras, fish, walrus, chameleons and etc.

There is not a big message within these poems but there is a common theme----animals. These are all animals that you could find in the zoo and they range from snakes, gophers, yaks, rabbits, and wallaby's and more. I don't really understand most of the poems enough to pull a message out of any of them and this also applies to the book as a whole. ( )
  LexaGoldbeck | Apr 13, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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A collection of forty-six animal poems.

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