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Byron: The Flawed Angel (1997)

Tekijä: Phyllis Grosskurth

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992282,711 (2.67)3
George Gordon, Lord Byron was born with a deformed foot. He was manic-depressive, athletic, and erotic. He embodied the romantic, revolutionary, patriotic, and free-living life of poetry as no one before him. He was the greatest artistic celebrity of his time, inspiring composers and poets, moving among eminences. Genuinely bisexual, he was involved in affairs with fellow students at Harrow and Cambridge. He fathered children on chambermaids, was incestuously involved with his half-sister, married a woman who soon left him. He was linked with the scandalous Caroline Lamb, with Mary Shelley's half-sister Claire Clairmont, with the married Countess Teresa Guiccioli in Ravenna. Constantly in debt, he traveled in Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Albania, and Italy, as though he could feel truly alive only in exile. The first publication of "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" in 1812 made him famous, if not rich. He joined forces with Shelley in Italy just before Shelley drowned at sea; he undertook his poetic masterpiece, Don Juan, in Italy and then joined the Greek forces revolting against the Turks. His death of fever in 1824 served as a rallying cry for the 1830 revolutions. This brilliant, handsome, charismatic psychological misfit exerted an inestimable impact on the Romantic movement and the sensibility of the entire nineteenth century.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
The speculation that Byron may have been bipolar compellingly presented by Kay Jamison in a chapter of "Touched with Fire," is elongated into a doorstop-sized biography as though it were diagnosed fact in this diletantish venture into Byron scholarship by psychologist Grosskurth. The word "opportunism" comes to mind. The occasional intriguing insight hardly seems worth the wade. ( )
1 ääni beaujoe | May 3, 2009 |
3061 Byron:The Flawed Angel, by Phyllis Grosskurth (read 15 Mar 1998) Even though I have read Leslie Marchand's masterful three-volume biography of Byron I decided to read this. I can't say I was overly enthralled by this book. The author really does not spend much time in analysis of Byron's writings, and maybe that is OK for his obscure works, but some of his famous work I thought could have been more thoroughly discussed. Grosskurth is so absorbed in Byron's flamboyant and tumultuous life that the book gives his poetry inadequate attention. But the book was enjoyable in a way though, since there is so much I want to read, I am not sure this was worth reading since Marchand's work covered Byron's life so adequately. ( )
  Schmerguls | Dec 22, 2007 |
näyttää 2/2
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To my three Byron friends
Elizabeth Longford, William St Clair, and the late Ian Scott-Kilvert
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The great lumbering Napoleonic coach had always attracted attention.
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(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

George Gordon, Lord Byron was born with a deformed foot. He was manic-depressive, athletic, and erotic. He embodied the romantic, revolutionary, patriotic, and free-living life of poetry as no one before him. He was the greatest artistic celebrity of his time, inspiring composers and poets, moving among eminences. Genuinely bisexual, he was involved in affairs with fellow students at Harrow and Cambridge. He fathered children on chambermaids, was incestuously involved with his half-sister, married a woman who soon left him. He was linked with the scandalous Caroline Lamb, with Mary Shelley's half-sister Claire Clairmont, with the married Countess Teresa Guiccioli in Ravenna. Constantly in debt, he traveled in Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Albania, and Italy, as though he could feel truly alive only in exile. The first publication of "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" in 1812 made him famous, if not rich. He joined forces with Shelley in Italy just before Shelley drowned at sea; he undertook his poetic masterpiece, Don Juan, in Italy and then joined the Greek forces revolting against the Turks. His death of fever in 1824 served as a rallying cry for the 1830 revolutions. This brilliant, handsome, charismatic psychological misfit exerted an inestimable impact on the Romantic movement and the sensibility of the entire nineteenth century.

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