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A Reckless Witch

Tekijä: Debora Geary

Sarjat: A Modern Witch (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
19518144,028 (4.23)3
"With great power comes great responsibility. So says the tradition of witching. One teenage witch missed that lesson... As a child, Sierra Brighton traveled the world. She swam with the baby whales, danced in storm funnels, and lived in complete magical freedom. And then Momma died and Sierra ended up in foster care, an unhappy and very secret witch. Fetched by Nell's spell, she'll no longer need to do magic on lonely beaches - but can Sierra learn to use her power safely? Or will her reckless blood put Witch Central at risk?"-fantastic fiction.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 18) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
The family of witches grows larger. The fear of damage that can be done through reckless magic challenges the love people have to give. The love needed to help contain the wildness of a reckless witch.
( )
  Perrywilson | May 24, 2014 |
As heartwarming and charming as the first two. Geary makes you feel like you're part of the witching community. And you'll not want to leave. ( )
  Cathyvil | Apr 7, 2013 |
A RECKLESS WITCH is the third in the series and as soon as I finished it I picked up the 32 page novella ‘A Witch Central Wedding.’ I love this series, author Debora Geary is able to write light and fluffy reads that encourage her readers to totally focus on the emotions of the various characters. Each of the books in the series has romance in it, but romance isn’t the main aim of the story. I feel that the main thrust of the plots is that of families, friendship, laughter – lots of laughter, being accepted for who you are and finding your place in the world. This time the main character focus is on young Sierra, and there are some pretty scary ‘edge of the seat’ events that take place as she goes through a steep magical learning curve. Lives are saved, love blooms, birthdays and births are celebrated – pretty standard events in Witch Central. The plot of the novella ‘A Witch Central Wedding’ is self explanatory, but who’s wedding and what happens? You shall just have to get it to find out.
( )
  sally906 | Apr 3, 2013 |
I loved the first four books in this series but I think this one is my favorite. The characters are so real (in spite of being witches) and easy to like. I care what happens to them. I can't wait for the next book. ( )
  hazel1123 | Oct 21, 2012 |
Very fun, lighthearted series about a community of witches. ( )
  hjjugovic | Feb 26, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 18) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"With great power comes great responsibility. So says the tradition of witching. One teenage witch missed that lesson... As a child, Sierra Brighton traveled the world. She swam with the baby whales, danced in storm funnels, and lived in complete magical freedom. And then Momma died and Sierra ended up in foster care, an unhappy and very secret witch. Fetched by Nell's spell, she'll no longer need to do magic on lonely beaches - but can Sierra learn to use her power safely? Or will her reckless blood put Witch Central at risk?"-fantastic fiction.

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Keskiarvo: (4.23)
1 1
2 2
2.5 1
3 8
3.5 4
4 33
4.5 3
5 38


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