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Swimming (2000)

Tekijä: Joanna Hershon

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
286893,705 (3.12)3
Twenty years ago, Vivian Silver abandoned her dreams of travel to marry the mysterious Jeb Wheeler, seduced both by his unnerving charm and his acres of untamed New Hampshire land. The hand-built house and swimming pond become the center of the universe for their entire family. Lila, their youngest, is consumed with love for her two older brothers, Aaron and Jack, and remains blind to the simmering tension between them. For beneath the surface of their idyllic setting lies a depth of explosive feeling that none of them can control. Into this heated atmosphere glides Aaron’s girlfriend, Suzanne, whose presence is threatening, exciting; Lila thrills to the ominous quality of Aaron’s absolute adoration for this young woman. Before her visit is over, Suzanne will unleash the forces of rage between Aaron and Jack, compelling one brother to commit an act against the other that can never be taken back. A decade later, living in New York, Lila still searches for Aaron, who disappeared that night, and Suzanne, whose mystique still exerts a hold on her memory. For Lila to move past her family’s tragedy, she must piece together what happened that fateful weekend–and recover the things lost down by the water–before she can at last let them go. A stunning literary novel that captures the lingering effects of longing and loss, Swimming is by turns a gripping family story, a heartbreaking coming of age journey, and a suspenseful psychological investigation into the meaning and limits of fidelity, identity, and intimacy. From the Hardcover edition.… (lisätietoja)
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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Aaron, Jack, and Lila are siblings. One horrible night, Jack falls and nothing is ever the same again. Aaron disappears, and Lila spends the next ten years looking for him.

*sigh* The more I read, the more of a book snob I become, and the harder it is to read mediocre storytelling. This is the author's debut novel and it's alright. There are moments when her attempts at deep, meaningful emotion actually work. Most of the time, however, it feels like she's just trying a little too hard. The end is slightly redeeming.

Food: that meal on the menu that really sells itself with luscious descriptions and a great glam shot, but when you get it, it's just okay. You wouldn't send it back and it filled your belly, but maybe you could have had something that would have been just a little better. ( )
  amaryann21 | Feb 15, 2014 |
good! ( )
  jenny.whitman | Apr 9, 2012 |
A sister tries to find family she has lost and, in doing so, faces the complexities living in a family entails. ( )
  debnance | Jan 29, 2010 |
I really enjoyed the book. The author, Joanna Hershon is a wonderful writer. She is so detailed with her descriptions not only does it fill like your body is there, but so is your mind and spirit. You can feel wind in your hair and waves at your feet. It was a story about the Wheeler family; 2 boys: Aaron (and his college girlfriend Suzanne), Jack and their little sister Lila. The story starts with the story of how Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler met. It then jumps to 10 years in the future when Aaron and Suzanne come home for a family dinner. After dinner Jack invites Aaron and Suzanne to a friends house for some drinks. After the drinks everyone heads home and eventually Jack and Suzanne go for a "swim" without Aaron. When Aaron confronts the two of them Jack slips on some rocks and dies after a shove from Aaron not intended to kill. 10 years later little sister Lila is in New York and accidentally runs into Suzanne. Lila begins searching for the truth of what really happened that summer night swimming and what has happened to Aaron who has not been in contact with the family since the accident. ( )
  campingmomma | Oct 1, 2009 |
I really enjoyed the first part of this book, but when it jumped forward 10 years the story became less interesting to me. I skimmed through parts of it near the end because I kept losing interest in it. ( )
  ladybug74 | Apr 8, 2009 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Twenty years ago, Vivian Silver abandoned her dreams of travel to marry the mysterious Jeb Wheeler, seduced both by his unnerving charm and his acres of untamed New Hampshire land. The hand-built house and swimming pond become the center of the universe for their entire family. Lila, their youngest, is consumed with love for her two older brothers, Aaron and Jack, and remains blind to the simmering tension between them. For beneath the surface of their idyllic setting lies a depth of explosive feeling that none of them can control. Into this heated atmosphere glides Aaron’s girlfriend, Suzanne, whose presence is threatening, exciting; Lila thrills to the ominous quality of Aaron’s absolute adoration for this young woman. Before her visit is over, Suzanne will unleash the forces of rage between Aaron and Jack, compelling one brother to commit an act against the other that can never be taken back. A decade later, living in New York, Lila still searches for Aaron, who disappeared that night, and Suzanne, whose mystique still exerts a hold on her memory. For Lila to move past her family’s tragedy, she must piece together what happened that fateful weekend–and recover the things lost down by the water–before she can at last let them go. A stunning literary novel that captures the lingering effects of longing and loss, Swimming is by turns a gripping family story, a heartbreaking coming of age journey, and a suspenseful psychological investigation into the meaning and limits of fidelity, identity, and intimacy. From the Hardcover edition.

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