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Private Arrangements

Tekijä: Brenda Jackson

Sarjat: Forged of Steele (10)

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255932,837 (3)-
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

No man has ever tempted her like this...

Nikki Cartwright can't believe Jonas Steele--the Jonas Steele--has chosen her for a high-profile marketing venture. It could make her career. But when she remembers the kiss they once shared, a kiss so intimate it sent their desire skyrocketing from simmering to blazing, Nikki knows she must guard her heart against the seductive Phoenix playboy as if her life depends on it.

Jonas has no problem making their professional relationship personal. With the beautiful and talented photographer within his reach, he can erase her from his system once and for all. From a whirlwind Las Vegas affair to jet-setting across four continents, this Steele discovers getting Nikki out of his system is easier said than done, and now he wants her to belong to him heart and soul--as the woman of his most passionate fantasies....
… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Could not stand the hero, so much so that I stopped reading midway. ( )
  fablibrarian | Nov 7, 2017 |
Private Arrangements is the tenth book in the Steel Series by Brenda Jackson.

Jonas Steel is the typical womanizer that only goes out with model-type women, his motto is ‘one and done’. He is the owner of the most successful advertising company in Phoenix.
After getting one of the most important accounts in the country he needs the best photographer for this job and that one is Nikki Cartwright. He has worked with Nikki before, eighteen months ago to be precise, he knows how good she is, the only problem is the kiss they shared at that time, kiss he hasn't been able to forget, there is something in Nikki that heats his blood as no other woman has done before.
When Jonas approaches Nikki with the job proposal she is not sure about accepting it. It is a great job opportunity, one that will help her make a bigger name as a photographer but she also knows that working so close to Jonas will be very dangerous for her heart. After the kiss they shared she is already half in love with him and if she accepts the offer she will have to spend a lot of time with him, first in Las Vegas and then they will travel the world together for two weeks.
She decides to decline Jonas’ offer, she already has another job opportunity working in a political campaign, this job is not as good as Jonas’ offer but it’s safer for her heart. But Jonas won’t accept no for an answer, he calls in favors and the political campaign withdraws the offer forcing Nikki to accept Jonas job.

Let’s start by saying I didn’t know this book was part of a series, I started to suspect it while reading it, there were some references about the older Steel brothers that made me realized this was a series. To say I was surprised that this was the tenth book in a series is an understatement, even tough I felt this book belonged to a series I can honestly say Private Arrangements can be read as a stand alone without a problem.

There were many things a liked about this book as there were others I didn’t like much. I had a problem liking Jonas, he was to cocky for my taste, the way he treated women was a bit too much for me. He’s a thirty-something guy who has never had a stable relationship, he allegedly sleeps with a different woman every night.
“...Jonas Steel. The master of one-night stands. The man who had a revolving door in his bedroom….”

I understand that in some cases the main character is a man with a reputation but in Jonas case his reputation was too much for me. I also don’t like heroes who frequent prostitutes, for me that’s a big red flag. In this book Jonas didn’t go to a brothel (he was busy with Nikki) but his little brother went after Jonas’ recommended him the brothel he likes the most in Las Vegas and of course with the great advice to bring plenty of condoms because he was going to need them.

Nikki is the sweet girl who dreams with the perfect man, kids and a the house with the white picket fence. I liked that she knew what she was getting into, she is a smart woman and was responsible for the consequences of her actions.
The chemistry between Jonas and Nikki is present since the first page, it was fun seeing them try to fight it until they succumbed to temptation. The sex scenes were hot but the internal dialogues were a little bit over the top making them kind of funny. I not sure if that was Mrs. Jackson intentions, but the very florid language only helped to bring the smiles.
"... but something about being here with him was getting to her. He was a hunter and could pick up the scent of an aroused woman a mile off. And some part of his presence, and their conversation, had turned her on. He was certain of it." - * By the way he's not a shifter or anything like that, he's a mere human, I guess with a highly developed sense of smell. * -

“She began nibbling her bottom lip, which meant she was nervous. He felt his erection throb which mean he was horny.”

“Every single rumor she’d heard whispered about him and his deadly steady, lickity-split, seemingly mile-long tongue was true.”

“The sensations surging through her were over the top, off the charts, mind boggling and earth-shatteringly explosive.”

“-his mind, body and soul had been taken for one hell of a ride. It’d been one damn sexual transportation that had taken him to a whole new hemisphere, maybe another universe.”

I could quote many more examples but I think you get the idea with those. Don’t take me wrong I kind of liked the flamboyance in the narrative because it made of this book an even funnier one.

Private Arrangements was my first book by Brenda Jackson but I’m sure it won’t be my last. If you are into funny and sexy contemporary romance and like very cocky protagonists this book is for you. ( )
  BookaholicCat | Mar 4, 2015 |
Private Arrangements is the tenth book in the Steel Series by Brenda Jackson.

Jonas Steel is the typical womanizer that only goes out with model-type women, his motto is ‘one and done’. He is the owner of the most successful advertising company in Phoenix.
After getting one of the most important accounts in the country he needs the best photographer for this job and that one is Nikki Cartwright. He has worked with Nikki before, eighteen months ago to be precise, he knows how good she is, the only problem is the kiss they shared at that time, kiss he hasn't been able to forget, there is something in Nikki that heats his blood as no other woman has done before.
When Jonas approaches Nikki with the job proposal she is not sure about accepting it. It is a great job opportunity, one that will help her make a bigger name as a photographer but she also knows that working so close to Jonas will be very dangerous for her heart. After the kiss they shared she is already half in love with him and if she accepts the offer she will have to spend a lot of time with him, first in Las Vegas and then they will travel the world together for two weeks.
She decides to decline Jonas’ offer, she already has another job opportunity working in a political campaign, this job is not as good as Jonas’ offer but it’s safer for her heart. But Jonas won’t accept no for an answer, he calls in favors and the political campaign withdraws the offer forcing Nikki to accept Jonas job.

Let’s start by saying I didn’t know this book was part of a series, I started to suspect it while reading it, there were some references about the older Steel brothers that made me realized this was a series. To say I was surprised that this was the tenth book in a series is an understatement, even tough I felt this book belonged to a series I can honestly say Private Arrangements can be read as a stand alone without a problem.

There were many things a liked about this book as there were others I didn’t like much. I had a problem liking Jonas, he was to cocky for my taste, the way he treated women was a bit too much for me. He’s a thirty-something guy who has never had a stable relationship, he allegedly sleeps with a different woman every night.
“...Jonas Steel. The master of one-night stands. The man who had a revolving door in his bedroom….”

I understand that in some cases the main character is a man with a reputation but in Jonas case his reputation was too much for me. I also don’t like heroes who frequent prostitutes, for me that’s a big red flag. In this book Jonas didn’t go to a brothel (he was busy with Nikki) but his little brother went after Jonas’ recommended him the brothel he likes the most in Las Vegas and of course with the great advice to bring plenty of condoms because he was going to need them.

Nikki is the sweet girl who dreams with the perfect man, kids and a the house with the white picket fence. I liked that she knew what she was getting into, she is a smart woman and was responsible for the consequences of her actions.
The chemistry between Jonas and Nikki is present since the first page, it was fun seeing them try to fight it until they succumbed to temptation. The sex scenes were hot but the internal dialogues were a little bit over the top making them kind of funny. I not sure if that was Mrs. Jackson intentions, but the very florid language only helped to bring the smiles.
"... but something about being here with him was getting to her. He was a hunter and could pick up the scent of an aroused woman a mile off. And some part of his presence, and their conversation, had turned her on. He was certain of it." - * By the way he's not a shifter or anything like that, he's a mere human, I guess with a highly developed sense of smell. * -

“She began nibbling her bottom lip, which meant she was nervous. He felt his erection throb which mean he was horny.”

“Every single rumor she’d heard whispered about him and his deadly steady, lickity-split, seemingly mile-long tongue was true.”

“The sensations surging through her were over the top, off the charts, mind boggling and earth-shatteringly explosive.”

“-his mind, body and soul had been taken for one hell of a ride. It’d been one damn sexual transportation that had taken him to a whole new hemisphere, maybe another universe.”

I could quote many more examples but I think you get the idea with those. Don’t take me wrong I kind of liked the flamboyance in the narrative because it made of this book an even funnier one.

Private Arrangements was my first book by Brenda Jackson but I’m sure it won’t be my last. If you are into funny and sexy contemporary romance and like very cocky protagonists this book is for you. ( )
  BookaholicCat | Mar 4, 2015 |
Private Arrangements is the tenth book in the Steel Series by Brenda Jackson.

Jonas Steel is the typical womanizer that only goes out with model-type women, his motto is ‘one and done’. He is the owner of the most successful advertising company in Phoenix.
After getting one of the most important accounts in the country he needs the best photographer for this job and that one is Nikki Cartwright. He has worked with Nikki before, eighteen months ago to be precise, he knows how good she is, the only problem is the kiss they shared at that time, kiss he hasn't been able to forget, there is something in Nikki that heats his blood as no other woman has done before.
When Jonas approaches Nikki with the job proposal she is not sure about accepting it. It is a great job opportunity, one that will help her make a bigger name as a photographer but she also knows that working so close to Jonas will be very dangerous for her heart. After the kiss they shared she is already half in love with him and if she accepts the offer she will have to spend a lot of time with him, first in Las Vegas and then they will travel the world together for two weeks.
She decides to decline Jonas’ offer, she already has another job opportunity working in a political campaign, this job is not as good as Jonas’ offer but it’s safer for her heart. But Jonas won’t accept no for an answer, he calls in favors and the political campaign withdraws the offer forcing Nikki to accept Jonas job.

Let’s start by saying I didn’t know this book was part of a series, I started to suspect it while reading it, there were some references about the older Steel brothers that made me realized this was a series. To say I was surprised that this was the tenth book in a series is an understatement, even tough I felt this book belonged to a series I can honestly say Private Arrangements can be read as a stand alone without a problem.

There were many things a liked about this book as there were others I didn’t like much. I had a problem liking Jonas, he was to cocky for my taste, the way he treated women was a bit too much for me. He’s a thirty-something guy who has never had a stable relationship, he allegedly sleeps with a different woman every night.
“...Jonas Steel. The master of one-night stands. The man who had a revolving door in his bedroom….”

I understand that in some cases the main character is a man with a reputation but in Jonas case his reputation was too much for me. I also don’t like heroes who frequent prostitutes, for me that’s a big red flag. In this book Jonas didn’t go to a brothel (he was busy with Nikki) but his little brother went after Jonas’ recommended him the brothel he likes the most in Las Vegas and of course with the great advice to bring plenty of condoms because he was going to need them.

Nikki is the sweet girl who dreams with the perfect man, kids and a the house with the white picket fence. I liked that she knew what she was getting into, she is a smart woman and was responsible for the consequences of her actions.
The chemistry between Jonas and Nikki is present since the first page, it was fun seeing them try to fight it until they succumbed to temptation. The sex scenes were hot but the internal dialogues were a little bit over the top making them kind of funny. I not sure if that was Mrs. Jackson intentions, but the very florid language only helped to bring the smiles.
"... but something about being here with him was getting to her. He was a hunter and could pick up the scent of an aroused woman a mile off. And some part of his presence, and their conversation, had turned her on. He was certain of it." - * By the way he's not a shifter or anything like that, he's a mere human, I guess with a highly developed sense of smell. * -

“She began nibbling her bottom lip, which meant she was nervous. He felt his erection throb which mean he was horny.”

“Every single rumor she’d heard whispered about him and his deadly steady, lickity-split, seemingly mile-long tongue was true.”

“The sensations surging through her were over the top, off the charts, mind boggling and earth-shatteringly explosive.”

“-his mind, body and soul had been taken for one hell of a ride. It’d been one damn sexual transportation that had taken him to a whole new hemisphere, maybe another universe.”

I could quote many more examples but I think you get the idea with those. Don’t take me wrong I kind of liked the flamboyance in the narrative because it made of this book an even funnier one.

Private Arrangements was my first book by Brenda Jackson but I’m sure it won’t be my last. If you are into funny and sexy contemporary romance and like very cocky protagonists this book is for you. ( )
  BookaholicCat | Mar 4, 2015 |
Here is another installment of the Steele brothers of Phoenix. This story is about the conversion of Jonas. The motorcycle riding, shoulder length hair wearing, body and face made for a woman to see and swoon. Jonas, like all his brothers, believes he's meant to be a womanizer a one and done as he calls it kind of man. That's until on a rainy day a sweet, kind, and loving woman comes in his office and knocks him off his feet by the name of Nikki Cartwright.

Nikki and Jonas work together on a project and happen to kiss. Both knowing it's more than they are letting on but let 18 months pass by. Jonas gets the opportunity of a lifetime to work on a project called the Velocity and has the perfect freelance photographer in mind for his team, Nikki. Nikki declines the career changing offer out of fear based upon her attraction to Jonas. Needless to say Jonas takes matters in his own hands and Nikki changes her mind. Now begins the whirlwind of intense attraction and great chemistry hot and steamy. I don't remember reading one of Ms. Jackson's books that were more steamy and blazing hot. The scenes were not just descriptive or implied but were shown for the reader to visualize. I enjoyed Private Arrangements and would recommend it to any and all fans of the romance genre. ( )
  BooksOverTv | Apr 11, 2013 |
näyttää 5/5
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

No man has ever tempted her like this...

Nikki Cartwright can't believe Jonas Steele--the Jonas Steele--has chosen her for a high-profile marketing venture. It could make her career. But when she remembers the kiss they once shared, a kiss so intimate it sent their desire skyrocketing from simmering to blazing, Nikki knows she must guard her heart against the seductive Phoenix playboy as if her life depends on it.

Jonas has no problem making their professional relationship personal. With the beautiful and talented photographer within his reach, he can erase her from his system once and for all. From a whirlwind Las Vegas affair to jet-setting across four continents, this Steele discovers getting Nikki out of his system is easier said than done, and now he wants her to belong to him heart and soul--as the woman of his most passionate fantasies....

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