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Tiger's Destiny

Tekijä: Colleen Houck

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Tiger's Curse (4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
6582135,916 (4.26)4
Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will finally break the tiger's curse.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I thoroughly enjoyed this series and its characters. It moved a bit slowly for me at times, but I think that is mostly because I do not enjoy reading battle scenes. I was happy with how everything turned out and am sad to leave Kelsey's world. ( )
  CASDonnelly218 | Feb 1, 2021 |
At last, the long awaited series finale, is here and it is a satisfying emotional feast. (No golden fruit needed.) My daughter, Rachel, and I “fought” over who would get to read this one first. Rachel did an amazing book trailer for Tiger’s Curse. After we finished, we loaned our copy to several other people to read. My high school library copy has been out since I cataloged it. I think the same may be said of the public library copy.

Our story starts with the ending of the third one. Thank you, Colleen! Kelsey’s been kidnapped by Lokesh and needs her tigers to rescue her. She can’t get out of this situation by herself and needs her team tigers. I will not spoil this book, but the series must be read in order. In this fourth installment, all the loose ends are tied up cleanly and decisions were finally made.

I’ve enjoyed seeing the improvement in Ms. Houck's writing. She’s benefitted from a professional editor to help clean up and focus her writing. I hope she continues. I’ll happily read more by her and look forward to seeing where she takes us next.

Series, YA romance, paranormal tigers, India, Durga, mythology, curses, phoenix, time travel
( )
  readingbeader | Oct 29, 2020 |
“A smart woman uses all the tools at her disposal to obtain what she desires.”

[‎Friday, ‎January ‎04, ‎2013] Kelsey, Ren and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga’s final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will finally break the tiger’s curse.

“Ren turned toward me and pressed my hand against his heart. “Kelsey, my blood pounds and my heart races when you’re near. I have to make a conscious effort to restrain myself from touching you. From taking you into my arms. From kissing you. I would almost rather be tortured by Lokesh again than be tormented everyday like this be seeing you with Kishan.”

[‎Thursday, ‎October ‎10, ‎2013] As every bookaholic knows, sometimes there are many great books out there that you want to read at once. But sometimes there are unfinished books that you feel guilty not finishing. So I decided to wrap-up all the unfinished books and start fresh next year in 2014. Besides that, Colleen Houck did NOT set a date for the fifth book of the Tiger’s Curse saga, so YES I am VERY afraid to finish this one. So a few weeks ago I was done with good numbers and I returned to Kelsey, Ren and Kishan’s adventure to free the tigers from Lokesh’s curse. And some readers reviews freaked me out but I have my own intuition.

“You are my home, Kelsey. Wherever you are is where I belong.”

I reached chapter 23 “Chimera”, page 257. I think Kishan will either be with Durga, raised to evermore immortal and a lover or Lokesh’s daughter Princess Yesubai when Lokesh dies. I think with his death and the curse being broken, all his victims will either live again or be reincarnated into other people around Kelsey. Even Mr. Kadam. I have many other theories, but one thing I will be sad if it ended [beside the series of course] is Ren and Kishan never changing into tiger’s again.

Well, I don’t know… let’s see what the end holds… *finger’s crossed* I really want Ren and Kelsey together.

[‎Sunday, ‎December ‎08, ‎2013] The ending of this book disappointed me in so many levels. For 3 and 4¾ books we've been living in a teasing foreplay for something spicy to happen between Ren and Kelsey but nothing happened, okay they got married but the ending wasn't satisfying. Durga and Kishan have been flirting nonstop for the two last books, I hoped the author would be strong enough to create real characters with real feelings. I mean the book would have been 100 times better if Kishan fell in love with Durga and married her, not the whole sacrifice bull! I just wasn't enthralled by the ending. ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
“A smart woman uses all the tools at her disposal to obtain what she desires.”

[‎Friday, ‎January ‎04, ‎2013] Kelsey, Ren and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga’s final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will finally break the tiger’s curse.

“Ren turned toward me and pressed my hand against his heart. “Kelsey, my blood pounds and my heart races when you’re near. I have to make a conscious effort to restrain myself from touching you. From taking you into my arms. From kissing you. I would almost rather be tortured by Lokesh again than be tormented everyday like this be seeing you with Kishan.”

[‎Thursday, ‎October ‎10, ‎2013] As every bookaholic knows, sometimes there are many great books out there that you want to read at once. But sometimes there are unfinished books that you feel guilty not finishing. So I decided to wrap-up all the unfinished books and start fresh next year in 2014. Besides that, Colleen Houck did NOT set a date for the fifth book of the Tiger’s Curse saga, so YES I am VERY afraid to finish this one. So a few weeks ago I was done with good numbers and I returned to Kelsey, Ren and Kishan’s adventure to free the tigers from Lokesh’s curse. And some readers reviews freaked me out but I have my own intuition.

“You are my home, Kelsey. Wherever you are is where I belong.”

I reached chapter 23 “Chimera”, page 257. I think Kishan will either be with Durga, raised to evermore immortal and a lover or Lokesh’s daughter Princess Yesubai when Lokesh dies. I think with his death and the curse being broken, all his victims will either live again or be reincarnated into other people around Kelsey. Even Mr. Kadam. I have many other theories, but one thing I will be sad if it ended [beside the series of course] is Ren and Kishan never changing into tiger’s again.

Well, I don’t know… let’s see what the end holds… *finger’s crossed* I really want Ren and Kelsey together.

[‎Sunday, ‎December ‎08, ‎2013] The ending of this book disappointed me in so many levels. For 3 and 4¾ books we've been living in a teasing foreplay for something spicy to happen between Ren and Kelsey but nothing happened, okay they got married but the ending wasn't satisfying. Durga and Kishan have been flirting nonstop for the two last books, I hoped the author would be strong enough to create real characters with real feelings. I mean the book would have been 100 times better if Kishan fell in love with Durga and married her, not the whole sacrifice bull! I just wasn't enthralled by the ending. ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä (1 mahdollinen)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Colleen Houckensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Boras, AnnikaKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Brammertz, BeateKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will finally break the tiger's curse.

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