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A Common Loss

Tekijä: Kirsten Tranter

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232989,336 (3.3)1
A dazzling novel about friendship, betrayal and secrets from internationally acclaimed author Kirsten Tranter. they were originally five. Elliot. Brian. tallis. Cameron. And Dylan - charismatic Dylan - the mediator, the leader, the man each one turned to in a time of crisis. Five close friends, bonded in college, still coming together for their annual trip to Las Vegas. this year they are four. Four friends, sharing a common loss: Dylan's tragic death. A common loss that, upon their arrival in Vegas, will bring with it a common threat: one that will make them question who their departed friend really was, and whether he is even worthy of their grief. A COMMON LOSS is Kirsten tranter's follow-up to her critically acclaimed debut, tHE LEGACY. Yet again, tranter's weave of watertight prose and literary sensibilities show her to be a born writer with a precocious control of storytelling and style.… (lisätietoja)

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I got a copy from a very good friend in Sydney and brought it with me back to Sweden to read as a part of the AWW2012 challenge. I didn´t really know what to expect from it since the author was totally unknown to me. I also was a bit reluctant since I rather read australian novels set in Australia.

Well, I picked it up one evening after being bored with a crime novel, and started to read - and became immediately hooked. There was something about her writing and the way she presented the characters and the story to come to the reader. You know something is going to happen, but you don´t know what. I first got the impression that something terrible was about to take place, but as the novel moved on I realized it was more a story of friendship, love and loss than a story of suspense.

I don´t know if you ever experienced the sudden knowledge that a friend very close and dear to you in fact is not as close a friend to you as you thought. This is something of what Elliot is going through. The death of Dylan alters the foundation for their friendship, nothing will ever be the same.

I liked this novel very much- I really wanted to know their secrets.

In a way the novel is a "kammerspiele". Everything circles round the characters and their relationship, the setting doesn´t really matter. The authors choice of Las Vegas just seems to underline how much is false and fake in their friendship.
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  Amsa1959 | Jul 3, 2012 |
This is the story of five close friends. They have been friends since college, and every year they make an annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas. But this year is different. One of their number, the charismatic Dylan, has died in an accident. His is the loss they are dealing with, as they return for their annual trip. But when they arrive they each receive a letter which spells out a mistake they have made in their past which proves to be a source of blackmail for someone, a mysterious brother of Dylan''s that they never knew existed and they then realise that they never did really know Dylan. Over the years the four remaining friends have drifted apart, but now they have to work together to deal with a common threat. The book paints a great picture of Las Vegas - not described as a place I would like to visit and the story line is ineresting ( )
  kiwifortyniner | Apr 5, 2012 |
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A dazzling novel about friendship, betrayal and secrets from internationally acclaimed author Kirsten Tranter. they were originally five. Elliot. Brian. tallis. Cameron. And Dylan - charismatic Dylan - the mediator, the leader, the man each one turned to in a time of crisis. Five close friends, bonded in college, still coming together for their annual trip to Las Vegas. this year they are four. Four friends, sharing a common loss: Dylan's tragic death. A common loss that, upon their arrival in Vegas, will bring with it a common threat: one that will make them question who their departed friend really was, and whether he is even worthy of their grief. A COMMON LOSS is Kirsten tranter's follow-up to her critically acclaimed debut, tHE LEGACY. Yet again, tranter's weave of watertight prose and literary sensibilities show her to be a born writer with a precocious control of storytelling and style.

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