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Tekijä: M R Merrick

Sarjat: The Protector (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
16116171,374 (3.86)2
Chase Williams is a demon hunter in the Circle, or at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Chase stepped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chases birthday, the bloodline stopped. Exiled without the Circles protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circles agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he cant do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna - a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret. In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circles plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the others life depending on it.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A very refreshing, fun read! ( )
  Fidelias | Jan 9, 2020 |
Darn you, Mr. Merrick! You have caused me to go on an emotional roller coaster!

Chase and Rayna are now among some of my favorite characters. They both have so much depth to their emotions. Chase is stubborn and set in his ways, until he encounter with Rayna. He seems to take the new information about the Circle pretty well. There are times when he struggles with what he's known, and the new developments. My one peeve about Chase is that he continuously doubts himself. Rayna is awesome! She's strong, witty, and self-assured. She's a female character I would be happy to have my daughter look up to.

The supporting characters weren't lacking either. Some played minor roles, but you could still spot their significance to the plot. Willy is one of my faves. For a half demon, he's harmless. He's got a fear of many things, especially Vincent, the head of the local vampire coven. I hope to find out why Willy initially drew Vincent's attention.

The storyline wasn't paced too fast or slow. All events lead to the battle toward the end. With each situation Chase and Rayna are put in, Chase learns from his mistakes and more about himself. This is one of the reasons I love his character.

Exiled is a story of loss, betrayal and grief; but also joy and how to find happiness in every day. Definitely grab the tissues though. ( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
3 ½ Stars ( )
  BookaholicCat | Mar 4, 2015 |
Good book though the pacing is almost that of a short story. ( )
  NovaStalker | Sep 12, 2013 |
Not my kind of thing. Nothing actually wrong with it though.
  nicola26 | Mar 29, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Chase Williams is a demon hunter in the Circle, or at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Chase stepped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chases birthday, the bloodline stopped. Exiled without the Circles protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circles agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he cant do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna - a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret. In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circles plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the others life depending on it.

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2 2
3 15
4 8
5 16

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