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Baking Style: Art Craft Recipes

Tekijä: Lisa Yockelson

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351703,946 (3.75)-
A dazzling celebration of the art and craft of baking InBaking Style, the award-winning author ofBaking by Flavor andChocolateChocolate, presents what has fascinated her during a lifetime of baking. In 100 essays and more than 200 recipes, along with 166 full-color images,Baking Style is infused with discoveries, inspirations, and exacting but simple recipes for capturing the art and craft of baking at home. Lisa Yockelson is the award-winning author ofBaking by Flavor andChocolateChocolate. Her articles, essays, and recipes have appeared in national publications such as theBoston Globe, theWashington Post, andGastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture. At her interactive website and blog, bakingstylediary.com, she continues her art of essay-writing and recipe development for a welcoming community of bakers. Features 100 essays, more than 200 recipes, and 166 full-color images that invite discovery and inspire the home baker Explores bar, hand-formed, and drop cookies; casual tarts; yeast-raised breads; puffs, muffins, and scones; waffles and crepes; tea cakes, breakfast slices, and buttery squares; cakes and cupcakes Baking Style combines the genre of the culinary essay with recipes, their corresponding methods, and illustrative images, revealing Yockelson's uniquely intimate expression of the baking process.… (lisätietoja)

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Baking Style is Lisa Yockelson's newest book on all things baking. The extra large format and bright pink cover are eye-catching so it won't get lost and forgotten on your shelves. She starts with a detailed explanation on various techniques, equipment, and ingredients. Then she moves on to the recipes. The organization is hard to follow, it seems more whimsy than anything else, but the photographs are plentiful and gorgeous and the large format means the recipes are easy to read.

Marzipan Scones -

These were the lightest, fluffiest, tastiest scones I've ever made! The base is not too sweet and it really highlights the little chunks of marzipan that are scattered throughout. I will definitely be making these again.

Dirty Cake -

More like a coffee cake than say a birthday cake, this had loads of cinnamon flavor. It was a little hard to get the second layer to cover the cinnamon brown sugar topping, but I persisted and won out in the end. This cake tasted even better the next day.

Parmesan and Gruyere Popovers -

My one disappointment in this book. I was surprised that the recipe called for refrigerating the dough. Every popover recipe I've ever made calls for all the ingredients to be at room temperature to help the popovers "pop". I followed the recipe and, indeed, these popovers didn't "pop". The flavor was nice, but I missed the light, airy texture.

There are so many more recipes I will make from this book - Saturated Orange and Bourbon Cake, Big and Crazy Chewy Date Bars, and Cardamom Buns that (Almost) Levitate, just to name a few! ( )
  frisbeesage | Jan 25, 2012 |
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A dazzling celebration of the art and craft of baking InBaking Style, the award-winning author ofBaking by Flavor andChocolateChocolate, presents what has fascinated her during a lifetime of baking. In 100 essays and more than 200 recipes, along with 166 full-color images,Baking Style is infused with discoveries, inspirations, and exacting but simple recipes for capturing the art and craft of baking at home. Lisa Yockelson is the award-winning author ofBaking by Flavor andChocolateChocolate. Her articles, essays, and recipes have appeared in national publications such as theBoston Globe, theWashington Post, andGastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture. At her interactive website and blog, bakingstylediary.com, she continues her art of essay-writing and recipe development for a welcoming community of bakers. Features 100 essays, more than 200 recipes, and 166 full-color images that invite discovery and inspire the home baker Explores bar, hand-formed, and drop cookies; casual tarts; yeast-raised breads; puffs, muffins, and scones; waffles and crepes; tea cakes, breakfast slices, and buttery squares; cakes and cupcakes Baking Style combines the genre of the culinary essay with recipes, their corresponding methods, and illustrative images, revealing Yockelson's uniquely intimate expression of the baking process.

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