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Being Liberal in an Illiberal Age: Why I Am a Unitarian Universalist

Tekijä: Jack Mendelsohn

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2033138,155 (3.6)3
A minister for over 50 years, Mendelsohn explores the power of liberalism in our changing society, what draws people to Unitarian Universalism, how this faith came into being and what it stands for.

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näyttää 3/3
why I am a Unitarian Universalist
  phoenixlibrary2023 | Feb 22, 2024 |
This sterling affirmation of liberalism is as relevant in the 21st century as it was when first published in 1964. A minister for more than fifty years, Mendelsohn examines the distinguished roots of Unitarian Universalism and the underlying factors that have drawn many leaders to this faith. The 2006 edition features a fresh introduction by the author and a foreword by Reverend Scotty McLennan, dean for religious life at Stanford University.
  dentonuuf | Jan 20, 2007 |
From the back cover: "[The author] served for many years as Senior Minister of the historic Arlington Street Church in Boston. Later he became Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Chicago, where he also served on the faculty of Meadville/Lombard Theological School. Dr. Mendelsohn is the author of many articles and several books.

"In an era of resurgent conservatism and Bible-thumping fundamentalism, [the author] simply and eloquently makes the case for an alternate path. For Mendelsohn, the ideal medium for proclaiming and propagating liberal and idealistic values is the Unitarian Universalist Association. With the 1961 consolidation of the Unitarian and Universalist churches, two denominations with distinguished roots joined together to breathe new life into liberal religion. Perhaps no other religious group has included such a disproportionate number of leaders in government, the arts, and humanitarian endeavors. What drew them to this denomination, how it came into being, and what it stands for are subjects of this book. Being Liberal in an Illiberal Age is a sterling affirmation of liberalism--not just religious liberalism--in an age when other voices are on the rise."
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  uufnn | Mar 2, 2015 |
näyttää 3/3
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A minister for over 50 years, Mendelsohn explores the power of liberalism in our changing society, what draws people to Unitarian Universalism, how this faith came into being and what it stands for.

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