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One-Upmanship (1952)

Tekijä: Stephen Potter

Sarjat: Lifemanship (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2335116,854 (3.72)11
It is hard to maintain a witty equilibrium in the realm of manners in cultured society. If one ignores social conventions, one runs the risk of being perceived as uneducated; however, following all common protocol pegs one as a nerd. With tongue in cheek, Potter reveals how to confound those who like to practice their one-upmanship. nbsp; What's a one-upmanship? An angle of vision, a way of life, a series of gambits, ploys and devices - all of these and more, upmanship is an individual talent. Remember one final overwhelming truth: If you're not one up, you're one down.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
There is a little game I play where I ask "What Is the National Question?" Crucial to this game is this book by Stephen Potter. It was the beginning of a prosperous period for the author as it opened the way for a series of books which fattened his wallet for at least a decade. It is comedy based on the reinforcement of personal superiority in social relations by appearing to have been more deeply involved on any point than one's companion. It is not kind comedy, but wry smiles do abound. What then is the national question of the English |(not British in general) person? "What is MY status in this circumstance?" of course. Go and sin no more. Of course you may just feel that it is the only true question, in which case I wish you a happy life in the real world. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Mar 3, 2021 |
Not much, dated. Would rush back to read others by the author. ( )
  SteveMcI | Dec 4, 2020 |
as with his other 'manship' books potter hits the nail on the head when it comes to defeating the unrelenting bores of this world. great read ( )
  myykkall | Apr 6, 2009 |
Internet UPC Database
  FreeBeard | Jul 26, 2013 |
How patients can win, and how doctors can stop them.
  muir | Dec 10, 2007 |
näyttää 5/5
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I am speaking to you now* as newly elected President of the Lifemanship Correspondence College.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


It is hard to maintain a witty equilibrium in the realm of manners in cultured society. If one ignores social conventions, one runs the risk of being perceived as uneducated; however, following all common protocol pegs one as a nerd. With tongue in cheek, Potter reveals how to confound those who like to practice their one-upmanship. nbsp; What's a one-upmanship? An angle of vision, a way of life, a series of gambits, ploys and devices - all of these and more, upmanship is an individual talent. Remember one final overwhelming truth: If you're not one up, you're one down.

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