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Escape from Riddler's Pass

Tekijä: Amy Green

Sarjat: Amarias Adventures (2)

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1621,312,989 (4.67)-
Book 2 of the Amarias Adventures(TM) series: With their search for the Scorpion's Jewel completed, Jesse, Rae and Silas return to rescue their injured friend, Parvel, only to find he has been kidnapped by the Rebellion. While trying to evade the Patrol, this time the Youth Guard's journey leads to the mountains, where they are held captive by a dwarf. Underground, the young warriors discover a lost civilization, and a new friend with vital information to help them as they to help them on their way. But the Rebellion headquarters is hidden within a dangerous maze of tunnels, and accessible only by solving a series of riddles. Will Jesse and his friends discover the secret to the Rebellion's tunnels and reach Parvel before it is too late? Or will they be doomed to dwell in darkness forever?… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I received this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

I really, really liked this book, and I think it is a terrific YA/MG read! It is book 2 in the Amerias Adventures series and it picks up immediately where Quest for the Scorpion's Jewel leaves off. Jesse, the 15 y/o boy with the lame leg, who is traveling with two members of the Youth Guard, Silas and Rae, are headed back to Jesse's home town where the town healer, and Jesse's friend and ally, is hiding the third Youth Guard member, Parvel, who had been injured at the beginning of book 1. (Sorry - a bit run on, but you get the picture!) They have discovered that Demetri, who is basically the law in Jesse's home town, has been ordered to find and eliminate all of the Youth Guard that he can, and that includes Silas, Rae, and Parvel. Apparently, the King commandeers the brightest and fittest of the youth in the villages of his reign to work for him as his own personal youth guard, but in reality he has them killed because he doesn't want to take a chance that they will rebel against him in the future. When Jesse, Silas and Rae return to rescue their injured friend, they find out that he has been kidnapped by the Rebellion. Now they have to evade capture by Demetri and find Parvel, who is being hidden at the Rebellion headquarters, which is underground in the mountains.

I think this is a terrific series for YA/MG readers because it has lots of action and adventure, and a great underlying moral to it. It it a clean read with some violence, but it is not excessive or superfluous. Any violence is definitely important to the story, or it is not told at all. The teens in the story are very determined to do what they think is the right thing, and there is good character development over the course of the books. There is a Christian undertone to the story as Parvel is devoutly religious, but it does not in any way overshadow the story. It is just a natural part of it.

In summary, I really did like this book, just as I did the first book in the series, and I will definitely be reading any further books that I get my hands on!! :D ( )
  jwitt33 | Oct 14, 2011 |
Escpe from Riddler's Pass starts right after Quest for Scorpion Jewel ends.
Jesse found out why the captain Demetri has been trying to kill the King's youth guard. It is on order of the King himself. The King gathers the brightest and smartest every 5 years trains them and sends them on dangerous missions and most do not survive. King has planned this because they are the ones who might join the rebels and dispose him.
Captain Demetri is hurring to jesse home town where they had to leave Parvel. Parvel was injurred from poison arrow and Kanye was taking care of him. He had no idea that he was in danger from the patrols. Demetri feels that he can beat Jesse, Rae & Silas kill Parvel and lay a trap for them.
But the 3 of them beat him to Kanye and find out that Parvel was kidnapped by the rebels of distric 2 and taken to the deep mines.
They go after Parvel with Demetri chasing them all the way. He even knows about the cave and tunnels where the drawfs used to live in there underground city. It was destroyed 30 years ago and all the drawfs were killed. Or so they thought. Till a drawf caught them and was taking them to his new city but Jesse convinced him that a patrol was in the tunnels and would find them. So they caused a cave inn behind them.
After they escape from being kept by the drawfs they find the mines that the rebels are using and they figure out the riddles to bypass the traps.
The whole book goes from one action to another action and drama. Keeps your attention the whole way.
They learn about themselves and about their friends. risking to save each other lives. Trying to figure what the right way is. Make better choices and think of each other first.
I will read more from Amy Green in the future. I was given this ebook in exchange for honest review. ( )
  rhonda1111 | Jul 29, 2011 |
näyttää 2/2
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Book 2 of the Amarias Adventures(TM) series: With their search for the Scorpion's Jewel completed, Jesse, Rae and Silas return to rescue their injured friend, Parvel, only to find he has been kidnapped by the Rebellion. While trying to evade the Patrol, this time the Youth Guard's journey leads to the mountains, where they are held captive by a dwarf. Underground, the young warriors discover a lost civilization, and a new friend with vital information to help them as they to help them on their way. But the Rebellion headquarters is hidden within a dangerous maze of tunnels, and accessible only by solving a series of riddles. Will Jesse and his friends discover the secret to the Rebellion's tunnels and reach Parvel before it is too late? Or will they be doomed to dwell in darkness forever?

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