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My Ruthless Prince

Tekijä: Gaelen Foley

Sarjat: Inferno Club (4)

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1325208,449 (3.79)1
My Ruthless Prince is the fourth historical romance by author Gaelen Foley to feature the gentlemen of the mysterious Regency fraternity the Inferno Club: scandalous rogues in the eyes of good London society but, in reality, devoted secret soldiers for Crown and country. Set in the most colorful era in England's history My Ruthless Prince features the Club's most notorious member--a rogue earl widely believed to have turned traitor--and the woman who believes with all her heart that her love can save him.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Really good book. I've been waiting for Drake's book and it was just as good as I had expected. In previous books he had been captured, tortured, lost his memory, and apparently gone over to the bad guys. Emily doesn't believe it. She grew up with Drake and knows that it would be impossible for him to do so. She is determined to save him and uses her skills to track him to Germany, intent on getting him away.

Drake is such a tortured hero. His hatred for the Prometheans has driven him to seek revenge. He is doing this by convincing them, and everyone else, that he has become one of them, until such time as he can find a way to destroy them. He doesn't care what happens to him until Emily shows up and throws a kink into his plans. He has always loved her, but she has been forbidden to him. He tries to get her to leave, but when she refuses has to try to find a way to keep her safe. While he knows that the organization itself is evil, he still has to deal with more personal feelings about the leader. There are also some places where his moral compass seems to go a little off center, and it's only Emily's presence that brings him back.

Emily has great faith in Drake. No matter how it appears, she knows that he is not capable of turning his back on what is right. All she wants to do is get him away from the terrible influence of their leader. When Drake refuses to leave, so does she. She begins to wonder if she's in over her head when the danger to her gets more intense. There are several occasions where she has momentary doubts about her faith in Drake, but they don't last long, and her love for him remains strong no matter what. There is one spot where she truly starts to worry about him and his intentions. Her inner strength is amazing as she finds ways to help Drake.

This story is very intense. We see Drake's thoughts and plans as he plots his revenge. He doesn't expect to survive the attempt, which is fine with him as he feels far too broken to return to his old life. His dismay and horror when Emily shows up breaks through some of the ice that has formed around his heart. Her presence brings some light back into the darkness that has consumed him. Now he and Emily have to work together to pull off his plan, but things don't go smoothly. The love that has been between them, though previously not acted on, bursts into flames between them now.

The evil that is the Prometheans is more fully described as Drake is drawn further into the heart of the organization. Drake is able to come up with a plan, but it becomes tricky when the leader makes Emily part of an upcoming ceremony. Add in a leadership struggle and suddenly Drake is in a far stronger, yet dangerous, place than he ever expected. There are multiple times when things could have all come crashing down on him, but each time he is able to prevail. When the final confrontation comes it is amazingly intense and very satisfying in its result.

Drake's three teammates have an important part also. Once they know where he is, their job is to get to him and either rescue him or kill him, depending on what they find. None of them want to believe that he has truly gone to the dark side, but it's hard to disregard what they have already seen. Their appearance at the end added another layer of conflict and emotion. Their participation in the ending was fantastic. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Jun 12, 2014 |
I think I liked this one more because I knew the characters involved from the previous book in particular and the series in general. Drake Parry is a damaged man, tortured until he lost his memory. When he returns to the Promethians his childhood sweetheart Emily Harper, follows him to try to rescue him not realising that he has plans. His fellow members of the Order are also looking for him.

It's an interesting read but everything in the story was well flagged ahead and I did guess the plot twists. It was readable but wasn't as good as I think the author can do. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jan 4, 2014 |
MY RUTHLESS PRINCE by Gaelen Foley is another interesting historical romance set in 1816 England. It is the 4th book in "The Inferno Club" series,but can be read as a stand alone with re-appearing characters from the pevious titles. See "My Wicked Marqess","My Dangerous Duke","My Irresestible Earl". "My Ruthless Prince" is Drake's story. Here is a little information about this group of notorious men:"The Inferno Club: To London Society they're notorious for their scandalous pursuits. In private,these warriors would risk their lives for king and country." This is a wonderful series,with strong heroes and determined heroines. It is well written with details and descriptions. I have enjoyed this series,each hero has his very own feisty heroine. "My Ruthless Prince" is the story of Drake,the Earl of Westwood and the beautiful gamekeeper's daugther,Emily Harper. Drake is declared a traitor,but Emily knows better. She sets out to find the truth and learns spying can be dangerous,reeked with conspiracies,deadly,full of deception,and she also finds passion and love. Drake only wants to bring down a conspiracy that nearly cost him his life and his sanity. When he learns Emily is in danger all bets are off. He must trust in his abilities,and his friends to help him destroy his enemy's dark consipracy,even if it means losing his life and the love of his life. "The Ruthless Prince" is a fast paced,adventure filled story that will leave you in awe of the amazing men of "The Inferno Club". I can hardly wait for the next installment.Received for an honest review from the publisher. Details can be found at Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishing and My Book Addiction and More/My Book Addiction Reviews.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR,My Book Addiction and More/My Book Addiction Reviews ( )
  tarenn | Feb 12, 2012 |
... dastardly deeds in dark forests

Prepare for a touch of The Illuminati meets the Knights Templar. Set during the Regency era, the members of the Inferno Club, outrageous gentlemen of the first water, who in secret protect the realm from spurious enemies, are worried that one of their own had been damaged beyond recall and turned traitor by the torturous captivity he's endured.
Emily Harper, the Earl of Westwood's childhood friend and gamekeeper's daughter, believes in him with an unwavering and unflinching loyalty and love. She trails the Earl across Europe to give him what support she can. Naturally, the headquarters of the enemy faction is in a secretive forest area somewhere in a German/Bavarian type state.
Full of dastardly deeds by evil would be conquerors, Gaelen Foley's presents us with a strong heroine who seeks to rescue her childhood friend, and in doing so, his sanity.
Emily's innocent and unwavering support and love opens the way for a relationship that in society's eyes is seemingly impossible. Of course the Earl realizes that Emily's very innocence marks her for the sort of heinous attention by the enemy that must be averted. In the depths of a darkly medieval forest, both physically and psychologically, danger is fueled by fear and love, and passion steams into being.
Reference to other stories in the series is made via the wives of members of the club.
A fairly predictable but okay read.

A Netgalley ARC ( )
  eyes.2c | Feb 7, 2012 |
If you have read any of the previous books in this series, then you have probably been looking forward to Drake's story. Drake, Earl of Westwood, is a tortured hero - literally. Drake was caught by the Prometheans in the first book, tortured until he no longer had his memory, and then "saved" by Promethean member, James. Through the next two books, Drake's allegiance is to James. In the last book he was saved by the the Order, but he fights their truths and only wants to escape back to James. They take him to his childhood home to see if that can jog his memories. The only thing he remembers is Emily. They grew up together, and have always loved each other, but because of Drake's family high standing and Emily only being the daughter of a woodsman, they have denied their feelings. Drake still feels honor bound to James, and he escapes the Order to go back to James and the Prometheans. The Order has decided Drake has deflected and order his death.

At the start of this book we find out Emily has followed James and Drake all through Europe to the Bavarian Alps. James has gone there to continue his plan of taking over the Prometheans. Emily has not given up on Drake and plans on talking him into leaving with her. What follows is a lot of lying and scheming by just about everybody - Drake, Emily, James, the Prometheans. Drake does not want to see Emily hurt, but his thoughts are consumed with revenge. Can Emily break through that darkness before it's too late?

Really exciting story. We have Emily trying to get through to Drake, Drake out for revenge, Promethean politics, a terribly sad moment within the Order, and a planned ritual with a virgin sacrifice during an eclipse. I enjoyed how Foley brings everything to a head in this book.

Drake and Emily are my favorite characters of this series. Emily is loyal and strong. She might question whether Drake really has gone over to the dark side, but in her heart she knows he would never hurt her or anyone innocent. Drake's loyalty may be misguided at times, but he is completely devoted to Emily and keeping her safe. And with all the darkness surrounding him, Emily has always been his light. Even before his capture, she was always the constant good in his life. Their romance, surrounded by all the evil, is actually quite sweet.

With the way Foley ended this book I wonder where she is taking the series? Beau and Carissa's story is next.

ARC provided by NetGalley. ( )
  Lavinient | Dec 10, 2011 |
näyttää 5/5
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My Ruthless Prince is the fourth historical romance by author Gaelen Foley to feature the gentlemen of the mysterious Regency fraternity the Inferno Club: scandalous rogues in the eyes of good London society but, in reality, devoted secret soldiers for Crown and country. Set in the most colorful era in England's history My Ruthless Prince features the Club's most notorious member--a rogue earl widely believed to have turned traitor--and the woman who believes with all her heart that her love can save him.

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