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In a Family Way (2005)

Tekijä: James Calder

Sarjat: Bill Damen Mystery Series (book 3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1811,209,950 (2.33)-
It's a parent's nightmare: the fertility doctor who tinkers with the very essence of a child. The Bill Damen series leaps onto a bigger and more ambitious canvas with the filmmaker-turned-sleuth's third case, one where life and death are chillingly intertwined. His cousin's young daughter, Margaret, is kidnapped and murdered. Exposing a shadowy underworld of embryo engineering, Bill finds that the circumstances of Margaret's birth have everything to do with her death. With the help of his new assistant, the dynamic and gorgeous Clementine, Bill's investigation reveals that the latest reproductive technology is a dangerous new weapon in an ageless battle. Tagged by Booklist as "fast-paced...with likeable good guys, nasty villains...and plenty of plot twists," the series grapples with the hard truth that science may change, but human nature does not.… (lisätietoja)

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It was a fun read. The writing is never awkward, but it tilts heavily toward telling rather than showing, and the book is longer than really necessary (though quick to read—I chewed up all 400 pages in one lazy day). I won’t go deliberately seek out more Bill Damen mysteries, but wouldn’t turn up my nose at one, either, if I wanted a fun read and there wasn’t something else around. ( )
  jholcomb | Jan 20, 2008 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


It's a parent's nightmare: the fertility doctor who tinkers with the very essence of a child. The Bill Damen series leaps onto a bigger and more ambitious canvas with the filmmaker-turned-sleuth's third case, one where life and death are chillingly intertwined. His cousin's young daughter, Margaret, is kidnapped and murdered. Exposing a shadowy underworld of embryo engineering, Bill finds that the circumstances of Margaret's birth have everything to do with her death. With the help of his new assistant, the dynamic and gorgeous Clementine, Bill's investigation reveals that the latest reproductive technology is a dangerous new weapon in an ageless battle. Tagged by Booklist as "fast-paced...with likeable good guys, nasty villains...and plenty of plot twists," the series grapples with the hard truth that science may change, but human nature does not.

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Keskiarvo: (2.33)
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2.5 1
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