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Pendulum Power: A Mystery You Can See, A Power You Can Feel (1977)

Tekijä: Greg Nielsen, Joseph Polansky

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962285,615 (0.5)-
The power of the pendulum has been valued since ancient times for its ability to discover treasure, advise in love, locate the lost, and divine the new. Pendulum Power teaches how to make and use pendulums for finding success in career and relationships, for healing, for development of intuition and increased mind power, as well as a host of other applications. A modern popular classic, Pendulum Power was featured on the nationally syndicated television show "In Search Of."… (lisätietoja)

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The power of the pendulum has been used since the beginnings of time. Those with the knowledge of its use have located buried treasure, discovered hidden water, divined the future, and reaped success of all kinds.

Pendulum Power teaches you how to use the pendulum, how to make your own, and how its amazing powers can be put to use right way.

Pendulum Power reveals the mysterious origins of the pendulum, its application in love and sex, in choosing a diet or selecting a job, in finding lost objects, and in healing. A knowledge of the pendulum's powers can help you communicate with the hidden levels of your being.

Pendulum Power is your entrance into the world of intuitive awareness.


Chapter 1 What is the pendulum?
Chapter 2 Jacob's rod: The mysterious origins
Chapter 3 Why the pendulum works
Chapter 4 Making your own pendulum
Chapter 5 How to use the pendulum
Chapter 6 Romantic radiesthesia
Chatper 7 True stories of pendulum power
Chapter 8 The pendulum, your work andyour career
Chapter 9 The pendulum: Door to the infinite
Chapter 10 Exploring the hidden powers of you mind
Chapter 11 The pendulum and dynamic self-healing
Chapter 12 Become the master of your own house
Chapter 13 Superpendulum
Chapter 14 The pendulum by day and by night
Chapter 15 Visions of the future
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
It's utter rubbish - what was I thinking? ( )
  Michael.Rimmer | Jul 5, 2015 |
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Greg Nielsenensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Polansky, Josephpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The power of the pendulum has been valued since ancient times for its ability to discover treasure, advise in love, locate the lost, and divine the new. Pendulum Power teaches how to make and use pendulums for finding success in career and relationships, for healing, for development of intuition and increased mind power, as well as a host of other applications. A modern popular classic, Pendulum Power was featured on the nationally syndicated television show "In Search Of."

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