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Damn You, Autocorrect!: Awesomely Embarrassing Text Messages You Didn't Mean to Send

Tekijä: Jillian Madison

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21018130,527 (4.04)4
Sh#@ Your Phone Says "Damn You, Autocorrect!" If you own an iPhone, BlackBerry, Droid, or any smartphone, there's a good chance you've screamed that phrase out at least once. In Damn You, Autocorrect!, pop-culture blogger Jillian Madison shows you are not alone. Filled with submissions from readers of her popular website, this laugh-out-loud funny book features cringe-worthy exchanges with parents, friends, significant others, and co-workers that contain some of the most unintentionally hilarious--and mortifying--mistakes ever caused by Autocorrect. Inside, you'll find a husband who tells his wife that he just "laid" (paid) the babysitter, a dad who tells his daughter that he and her mom are going to "divorce" (Disney), and many more epic texting fails too raunchy to list here. Whether you love technology, texting humor, or taking just a little bit of pleasure in the misfortune of others, Damn You, Autocorrect! will leave you laughing until you cry, and thankful that nothing this embarrassing has happened to you. Yet.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 18) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
comedy of errorrs! I was laughing all through. This book couldn't have come at a better time, I'm hospitalized and I need something to bring the smile back.This book tickled me like hell. If you want a good laugh and don't mind some swear words then pick it up with no second thoughts! ( )
  harishwriter | Oct 12, 2023 |
Fun collection of texts where autocorrect has turned them into a fail. Broken into a few different sections such as parents, work, holidays and just miscellaneous. ( )
  ChrisWeir | Jun 12, 2018 |
Lots of laughs...not so much a book as a collection of screenshots. But all in one spot. ( )
  Razinha | May 23, 2017 |
It's the website, in dead tree form. A good introduction to the site, if you're interested, and if not, a valuable example on the importance of turning off auto-correct on your smartphone. ( )
  Jon_Hansen | Apr 9, 2017 |
An entertaining read for anybody who has ever sent or received a text. ( )
  KarenDuff | Jun 1, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 18) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Sh#@ Your Phone Says "Damn You, Autocorrect!" If you own an iPhone, BlackBerry, Droid, or any smartphone, there's a good chance you've screamed that phrase out at least once. In Damn You, Autocorrect!, pop-culture blogger Jillian Madison shows you are not alone. Filled with submissions from readers of her popular website, this laugh-out-loud funny book features cringe-worthy exchanges with parents, friends, significant others, and co-workers that contain some of the most unintentionally hilarious--and mortifying--mistakes ever caused by Autocorrect. Inside, you'll find a husband who tells his wife that he just "laid" (paid) the babysitter, a dad who tells his daughter that he and her mom are going to "divorce" (Disney), and many more epic texting fails too raunchy to list here. Whether you love technology, texting humor, or taking just a little bit of pleasure in the misfortune of others, Damn You, Autocorrect! will leave you laughing until you cry, and thankful that nothing this embarrassing has happened to you. Yet.

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