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Carolina Genesis: Beyond the Color Line

Tekijä: Scott Withrow

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
314,145,596 (5)-
Some Americans pretend that a watertight line separates the "races." But most know that millions of mixed-heritage families crossed from one "race" to another over the past four centuries. Every essay in this collection tells such a tale. Each speaks with a different style and to different interests. But taken together, the seven articles paint a portrait, unsurpassed in the literature, of migrations, challenges, and triumphs over "racial" obstacles… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatAliceHarris, geoffmangum, Cyndith

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From courthouse records to the deep woods of Moore County, North Carolina, this story unfolds as never told before. From the pride and confidence of the ancestors to the fear and eventual silencing of the elders in more recent generations, the Goins family tired of answering 'what' are you?' Whether it was the digust of never being treated as worthy and respectable citizens in society or whether it was fear that silenced them,they had their reasons. Yet, a trail of records illuminates th way and their legacy is one of endurance. ( )
  Cyndith | Feb 11, 2011 |
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Some Americans pretend that a watertight line separates the "races." But most know that millions of mixed-heritage families crossed from one "race" to another over the past four centuries. Every essay in this collection tells such a tale. Each speaks with a different style and to different interests. But taken together, the seven articles paint a portrait, unsurpassed in the literature, of migrations, challenges, and triumphs over "racial" obstacles

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