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Tekijä: Penny Zeller

Sarjat: Montana Skies (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
314782,184 (4.5)-
"Haunted by her marriage to an abusive man, Kaydie Kraemer is determined never to fall in love again, and it will take the grace of God to change her mind--the same grace that works in the heart of Jonah Dickenson, a confirmed bachelor, and awakens in him an attraction to her"--Provided by publisher.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Another good story in this series. I don't know which story I like better; this one, or the first in this series, "McKenzie". I enjoyed both of them equally. I highly recommend you read these stories in the order they were written because this story picks right up where "McKenzie" left off and there is a lot of background you would miss by just starting with "Kaydie". This is another cozy read; where you sit back, cozy up on comfortable chair and just enjoy yourself as you relax and read.

Kaydie has been rescued from an abusive and scary outlaw of a husband when he is killed after trying to rob a bank. She finds herself reunited with her sister, McKenzie, who is married to a rancher in Pine Haven, Montana. There Kaydie learns to enjoy her Montana home and get ready for the baby she will soon be bringing into the world. Kaydie has a hard time trusting her judgement when it comes to men though after her big mistake of marrying the wrong man, who she thought was a nice guy.

Ranch hand Jonah Dickenson has no desire to ever fall in love and marry, especially after being raised by a harsh father and having his mother run off and leave him as a child. Marriage is just not something he is interested in. So when Jonah tries to get Kaydie to trust him as a friend only, their friendship is good for both of them. But the special part of being a friend to someone is that it can often lead to romance, and of course, that is what happens to Kaydie and Jonah. But lets not get too comfortable because another friend Kaydie hasn't seen in years will come into the picture and try to win her heart also. Now Kaydie must choose.

This was a story of learning to let go of your past, but learn from it, and of learning to love and trust someone again. There is a strong family bond between these two sisters that I appreciated and also a strong emphasis upon trusting in the Lord and waiting on Him to direct ones path. I liked how the author takes a break every now and then from the present, and has one of her characters remember the past and a certain situation that happened to them from the past. It helped you get to know and understand the characters much better. I look forward to story #3 in this series, "Hailee", next. Enjoy! ( )
  judyg54 | Aug 7, 2014 |
This story centers around the main character, Kaydie Worthington Kraemer, but several other interesting characters are introduced early on. Kaydie is a young woman who suffered terrible abuse at the hands of her former husband, Darius, who played a clever game to get her family wealth. After his death, she was rescued and taken in by her sister and brother-in-law to live with them on their ranch. Pregnant and facing recurring nightmares and haunting memories, Kaydie wonders if she can ever trust enough to love again. When a gentle, caring man with his own difficult past walks into her life, and then a childhood friend is sent by her illustrious parents to court her, she has a hard decision to make. Does she surrender to what she thinks she knows and return to a life of wealth, or does she trust her heart?

During the progression of the story the reader discovers Kaydie’s will to survive and her determination to heal in order to secure a normal and safe life for herself and her baby. Penny Zeller wrote in a way that follows closely to how a woman, struggling with memories and fears, thinks things through, over and over, on her way to emotional healing.

Penny included enough suspense to keep the pages turning, humour to lighten the mood when certain characters were faced with difficulties, and historical details revealing life in the early years of settlement. Admittedly, at one point while reading I spoke out loud, “No way!” To say I got pulled into the story would be an accurate statement.

Although Kaydie is a Christian-based novel, the reader will not feel overwhelmed by religious thought being pushed down her throat. (I say ‘her’ because most readers of this series will probably be women.) It is not preachy but puts forward the encouragement found in a relationship with God. Penny Zeller has taken a gentle but unwavering approach in presenting to the reader a valid option of how to deal with life’s problems.

If you enjoy romance novels, or if you have never read one but are curious, I encourage you to get this one. ( )
  Polilla-Lynn | Feb 10, 2014 |
Penny Zeller has created a book whose pages leap into life as the extremely credible characters are thrust into situations that no one should ever be forced to face. Kaydie, widowed and pregnant, takes refuge with her sister and brother-in-law following the death of her abusive husband. Kaydie has determined that she will never again be in a situation where she and her as-yet-unborn child will be in danger of being abused. Deciding that love and marriage are only for others, she vows to remain single and raise her child alone.

Jonah Dickenson is a man who has vowed he will never marry. Deserted by his mother when he was just a small child and left with a bitter and drunken father, Jonah wants no part of a wife and family because he fears that he will turn out to be just like his father.

As we journey through the pages of this book we see Kaydie grow from a meek and cowering girl to a strong and brave young woman. Jonah has grown from the days of a wild and reckless youth into a kind, considerate, and compassionate man.

As Jonah and Kaydie are thrown together more and more often, feelings begin to grow between them. However, both of them are adamant that there will never be anything more than friendship between them. In spite of their dissimilarities, Kaydie and Jonah both share a love for God and gratitude for all that He has done for them.

Throughout the pages of Kaydie, you will experience laughter, fear, tears, sorrow, and joy. You will meet the self-proclaimed matchmaker, Lucille Granger, who declares that she is going to find the perfect wife for Jonah. You will also meet Kaydie's mother, who insists on arranging a more appropriate marriage for Kaydie. It sometimes seems as if Jonah and Kaydie have little control over their lives and will be forced into marriages of convenience by well-meaning individuals.

As I read this book, I was frequently reminded of the scripture in Proverbs 3:5 that says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." (KJV) Kaydie and Jonah thought that they knew what they wanted for themselves but Penny Zeller has very capably shown us that, " ...all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28 - KJV)

Since Kaydie is the second book in the series, there were several occasions when I found myself wishing that I had read book one first simply because I felt that some portions of the story that were revealed from book one will make it rather anticlimactic to read the first book, which I most definitely plan to do. However, there was nothing in the story that I could not understand and Kaydie can easily stand on its own.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Kaydie and I feel certain that you will enjoy it too. It gives me great pleasure to recommend it to you. ( )
  HisChild | Apr 17, 2011 |
Historical fiction, along with Amish fiction, is my most favorite of genres, so I love jumping at the chances to read new ones and travel back in time. So, that's what I did with this one and boy, was I pleased! While McKenzie, book 1 in the Montana Skies series, needed some improvement, Kaydie did not. Penny Zeller's second novel shows that her talent is better than before and really captured me this time! I really enjoyed the feeling of having the chance to travel back to the time of train travel and horses.

Kaydie's story picks up exactly where McKenzie's left off. I fell in love with her character instantly and prayed for her through out the novel. I really loved having the chance to watch her grow in trusting more and more people after being an abused wife. God's guidance and love spoke volumes in this sweet story, especially as Kaydie finds a friend in the God-fearing man, Jonah (of course, I am partial to characters named Jonah since that is my sons name ;-)!).

All in all, Zeller's work was fantabulous this time around. I definitely recommend this book to all with 5 star praises. I'm looking forward to many more books from this new author, especially another installment in this sweet series! ( )
  ReviewsbyMolly | Feb 11, 2011 |
näyttää 4/4
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"Haunted by her marriage to an abusive man, Kaydie Kraemer is determined never to fall in love again, and it will take the grace of God to change her mind--the same grace that works in the heart of Jonah Dickenson, a confirmed bachelor, and awakens in him an attraction to her"--Provided by publisher.

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