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Cube Route (2003)

Tekijä: Piers Anthony

Sarjat: The Magic of Xanth (27)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
605240,672 (3.6)1
For nearly three decades, Piers Anthony's bestselling Xanth series has been delighting tens of thousands of fantasy fans around the world. Now, withCube Route, the series' twenty-seventh adventure, Anthony has penned a tale that adds another dimension to this exciting saga. In the magical land of Xanth, wishes are far more than mere words. So when a Plain Jane called Cube whispers a wistful wish to be beautiful, she finds herself leading a company of colorful companions on a search for the mysterious Cube Route--a perilous path that leads to danger, adventure, and perhaps her heart's desire as well. This curious quest takes them all over Xanth, into the mythical realm of Phaze, and even to our own world, where Cube rescues a beautiful human woman from a very ugly situation, ending at last in a mysterious Counter-Xanth where things can be transformed into their opposites in the wink of an eye. A rollicking tale brimming with laughter, wonder, and enchantment,Cube Route is also a moving exploration of the beauty that dwells within all of us.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

näyttää 2/2
The Xanth books by Piers Anthony were one of the first SciFi/Fantasy series I ever read. I love puns so I have always enjoyed them. Upon re-reading them I can see that they have some weaknesses but overall they stand the test of time. They are a fun and fast read that keeps me amused without any deep thinking required. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

For nearly three decades, Piers Anthony's bestselling Xanth series has been delighting tens of thousands of fantasy fans around the world. Now, withCube Route, the series' twenty-seventh adventure, Anthony has penned a tale that adds another dimension to this exciting saga. In the magical land of Xanth, wishes are far more than mere words. So when a Plain Jane called Cube whispers a wistful wish to be beautiful, she finds herself leading a company of colorful companions on a search for the mysterious Cube Route--a perilous path that leads to danger, adventure, and perhaps her heart's desire as well. This curious quest takes them all over Xanth, into the mythical realm of Phaze, and even to our own world, where Cube rescues a beautiful human woman from a very ugly situation, ending at last in a mysterious Counter-Xanth where things can be transformed into their opposites in the wink of an eye. A rollicking tale brimming with laughter, wonder, and enchantment,Cube Route is also a moving exploration of the beauty that dwells within all of us.

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