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Journal of a fur-trading expedition on the Upper Missouri, 1812-1813

Tekijä: John C. Luttig

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812,175,062 (4)-
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: I i i' i V 1 i -i % CK ( i Monday the 21st, clear and moderate, paid off our Indian hunters, and they left fort together with the Chajennes for their Village in the Evening, several Rees came from the Mandans, and told us that Immel coming also from the Mandans had been robbed and whipped by the Band of Chajennes at the River Bullet.158 Thuesday the 2zd fine weather, Garrow and Papin went off early in the Morning to meet Immel, at 10 oclock A. M. Immel arrived and the History of the Indians proved to be a Lie, it was true that he had a quarrel with the Chajennes, by refusing them their Demands which he could not comply with, but they did forbear being only a few to do harm, seeing him on his Guard at noon the Sleighs arrived as also 15 Mandans with them, in the afternoon the three Men which were sent by Mr. M. L. to meet Sanguinette returned without finding him, they found a track of a party of Indians and were afraid to push forward. Wednesday the 23d fine weather, the Mandans set off for the Rees several Rees arrived in the afternoon, all tranquil and happy in situation. Thursday the 24th clear and hard wind but Bullet River?Le Souiet, or Cannon Ball River. It was given this name by Lewis and Clark because we found round stones in the form of cannon balls. It is a good-sized stream with two main forks, which flow to its junction with the Missouri in Morton County, North Dakota. moderate the Recs went off again gave 30 Ib flour and 30 Ib Tallow to the Boys for regaling themselves tomorrow, in the afternoon the Chajennes Chief returned from the Village he had heard of the Affair of his Village with Immel, he was very sorry fired his Gun backward on entering the house and promised to see every thing arranged to our Satisfaction, this Eveni...… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

Interesting read on early exploration in America. Many things you will never know without reading books of this nature. Must have for historians or period collectors. ( )
  Taurus454 | Jan 29, 2011 |
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: I i i' i V 1 i -i % CK ( i Monday the 21st, clear and moderate, paid off our Indian hunters, and they left fort together with the Chajennes for their Village in the Evening, several Rees came from the Mandans, and told us that Immel coming also from the Mandans had been robbed and whipped by the Band of Chajennes at the River Bullet.158 Thuesday the 2zd fine weather, Garrow and Papin went off early in the Morning to meet Immel, at 10 oclock A. M. Immel arrived and the History of the Indians proved to be a Lie, it was true that he had a quarrel with the Chajennes, by refusing them their Demands which he could not comply with, but they did forbear being only a few to do harm, seeing him on his Guard at noon the Sleighs arrived as also 15 Mandans with them, in the afternoon the three Men which were sent by Mr. M. L. to meet Sanguinette returned without finding him, they found a track of a party of Indians and were afraid to push forward. Wednesday the 23d fine weather, the Mandans set off for the Rees several Rees arrived in the afternoon, all tranquil and happy in situation. Thursday the 24th clear and hard wind but Bullet River?Le Souiet, or Cannon Ball River. It was given this name by Lewis and Clark because we found round stones in the form of cannon balls. It is a good-sized stream with two main forks, which flow to its junction with the Missouri in Morton County, North Dakota. moderate the Recs went off again gave 30 Ib flour and 30 Ib Tallow to the Boys for regaling themselves tomorrow, in the afternoon the Chajennes Chief returned from the Village he had heard of the Affair of his Village with Immel, he was very sorry fired his Gun backward on entering the house and promised to see every thing arranged to our Satisfaction, this Eveni...

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