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Roxy's Baby

Tekijä: Catherine MacPhail

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
671398,265 (3.89)3
'Roxy was shaking with fear. She drew in a deep breath. She would not let her fear take over. She couldn't. She had too much to lose. She had to be strong, to be brave. For once in her life she had to think of someone other than herself.' Roxy is wild, uncontrollable. She hates her parents - and her goody-two-shoes sister. Her only solace is her equally wild friends, Pat, Tracey and Jacqueline. Then there is the night of the party, where she lets that boy kiss her, and more. Roxy falls pregnant. Wilfully, she won't tell her mother, her family. She decides to run away to London. In London, Roxy is found by Mr and Mrs Dyce. They are understanding, sympathetic, and promise her a way out of her troubles. They will take her to a comfortable place, along with other girls in the same position and look after her and her baby - which is exactly what happens. Roxy cannot believe her luck. But things aren't as they seem and Roxy eventually works out the dark truth of the outwardly genial Dyces. A gripping and completely compelling story of a girl forced to grow up and think of others other than herself in the most nightmare of circumstances. This story was based on a true story that occured in Italy in 2003.… (lisätietoja)

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This is a wow, I need to recommend this to a friend kind of book. It tells the story of a 15 year old girl called Roxy who gets pregnant by accident and sees running away as her only option. She finds herself taken in by a friendly couple who live far out in the countryside and open their home to numerous young girls who have run away pregnant. But... suspicions start to rise.
Roxy is astounded by the generosity of this couple who ask for nothing in return... well, that is, apart from banning TVs and newpapers, but that's just because they don't want the girls to get upset if their parents appear on the news - isn't it? And the fact that none of the girls should leave the house, but that's just to give their babies the best protection - isn't it?
This becomes an increasingly dark and frightening tale that will have you chewing your nails in anticipation and fear... because the friendly couple just have the girls' best interests at heart - don't they? ( )
  emleemay | Mar 30, 2013 |
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

'Roxy was shaking with fear. She drew in a deep breath. She would not let her fear take over. She couldn't. She had too much to lose. She had to be strong, to be brave. For once in her life she had to think of someone other than herself.' Roxy is wild, uncontrollable. She hates her parents - and her goody-two-shoes sister. Her only solace is her equally wild friends, Pat, Tracey and Jacqueline. Then there is the night of the party, where she lets that boy kiss her, and more. Roxy falls pregnant. Wilfully, she won't tell her mother, her family. She decides to run away to London. In London, Roxy is found by Mr and Mrs Dyce. They are understanding, sympathetic, and promise her a way out of her troubles. They will take her to a comfortable place, along with other girls in the same position and look after her and her baby - which is exactly what happens. Roxy cannot believe her luck. But things aren't as they seem and Roxy eventually works out the dark truth of the outwardly genial Dyces. A gripping and completely compelling story of a girl forced to grow up and think of others other than herself in the most nightmare of circumstances. This story was based on a true story that occured in Italy in 2003.

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