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Toss, Keep, Sell! The Suddenly Frugal Guide to Cleaning Out the Clutter and Cashing In

Tekijä: Leah Ingram

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264899,335 (1.75)-
The American house is one cluttered place. Frugal folks need to get their homes in order and find ways to make money from the junk they no longer need or want. That's where this book comes in! Organized by rooms of the house and tasks of the day, this book becomes a veritable clutter checklist. Each chapter in this reader-friendly guide features: Cashing In: A profile of everyday people who have earned big while clearing out Quick Clutter Challenge: Easy ways for you to declutter a space in thirty minutes or less A Keep, Toss, Sell Chart: A visual organizer to help get every room of the house under control Cash Back in This Chapter: What better way to motivate you than to point out potential earnings from one chapter's worth of tips? You can forget paying big bucks for a professional organizer. With Leah Ingram as your guide, you'll have extra money--and a home you can be proud of--in no time!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
While this books had really good tips on hand, most of the stuff was not really new.

* 15 minute challenges were interesting and got you motivated
* How to make cash out of your items: some tips were useful, more useful probably for readers in the US

* The cash-backs after every chapter were just ridiculous. I know it was meant so that you could write it in front of the title "X money worth cash!!" But really: Not everybody has Tiffany earrings sitting in their jewelry boxes.
* Author wrote her own perspective on things, making the tips plainly useless if you are not 100% in the same position
* The first chapter was downright insulting it is so stupid: Really, the 25 uses of shoeboxes?? I thought about giving up the whole book then but got myself through that chapter and afterwards it got better, but it's not a good start.

Somewhere in between:
* I cannot decide if the "toss-keep-sell" overviews are good or bad. I mean, people should know when to tolls, keep or sell an item, right?

Still 5 starts for the couple of useful tips that were in there and for being somewhat motivational to go through all the stuff, cluttering out the apartment. ( )
  Geektesse | Dec 10, 2017 |
This book should be titled 'Confessions of a mentally ill hoarder.' I mean no disrespect to the author but of all the decluttering books I've ever read it contains some of the most bizarre assertions and advice. Did you know that you can hang things from hooks? If you happen to have antiques or Tiffany jewellery lying around you could sell it. And my absolute favourite: A house is not a home without a piano. I repeat: A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME WITHOUT A PIANO. IN A BOOK ABOUT DECLUTTERING. The less bizarre, same old basic well-worn advice that you'd expect to find is as useful as ever: 'Reduce, reuse and recycle. Or sell it if you can.' I'd have liked more on the ins-and-outs of selling your stuff. But there's very little of use here. It reads like someone who used to be a ridiculous hoarder finally found the religion of decluttering and decided to present their own hodge-podge of experiences as advice for other people. There's also something amusingly American upper-middle class about it. Who else would have a mud room, spare antique furniture and forgotten pairs of skis? The politest way I can put this is we live in very different worlds. ( )
  graffiti.living | Oct 22, 2017 |
Pointless. So basic as to be laughable. The biggest discovery in this book? Shoeboxes! Woo! Put your pens in shoeboxes! Put your mail in shoeboxes! Put your... you get the idea.

There is nothing new here, nothing you haven't read a hundred times before, nothing you don't already know.

Glad I picked this up at the library instead of buying it. ( )
  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
Not a bad read, but no really new ideas. The title basically sums it up - go through your stuff and either toss, keep or sell it. ( )
  sammier | Feb 3, 2012 |
näyttää 4/4
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The American house is one cluttered place. Frugal folks need to get their homes in order and find ways to make money from the junk they no longer need or want. That's where this book comes in! Organized by rooms of the house and tasks of the day, this book becomes a veritable clutter checklist. Each chapter in this reader-friendly guide features: Cashing In: A profile of everyday people who have earned big while clearing out Quick Clutter Challenge: Easy ways for you to declutter a space in thirty minutes or less A Keep, Toss, Sell Chart: A visual organizer to help get every room of the house under control Cash Back in This Chapter: What better way to motivate you than to point out potential earnings from one chapter's worth of tips? You can forget paying big bucks for a professional organizer. With Leah Ingram as your guide, you'll have extra money--and a home you can be proud of--in no time!

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