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To Each Their Darkness

Tekijä: Gary A. Braunbeck

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371674,655 (4.5)-
2010 Stoker Award Winner for Superior Achievement in NonfictionExplore the world of writing horror from a Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild award-winning author's point of view. Gary Braunbeck uses film, fiction, and life experience to elucidate the finer points of storytelling, both in and out of genre. This part-autobiographical, always analytical book looks at how stories develop and what makes them work--or not work--when they're told.Be warned: reality is as brutal as fiction. Rob Zombie, police shootings, William Goldman, and human misery are all teachers to the horror neophyte, and Braunbeck uses their lessons to make To Each Their Darkness a whirlwind of horror and hope for the aspiring writer.… (lisätietoja)

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Gary Braunbeck knows how to write about the darker things life can offer up. But why do I trust his word over most? Because nothing is wasted on him. This man has been through it (some of the events he takes us through in detail are enough to make you want to put the book down for a while in the interest of recovery) and no matter how hard times have gotten for him, there's always a lesson to be learned and most importantly, a story to tell. You never get the sense that he is preaching or asking for pity. You never get the sense he wants you to admire him. In fact, judging by this book and the majority of his fiction, he may well be the most self deprecating man alive. But through his insightful critique of film, literature and the writing process, we get a picture of a writer (and person) who should very much be admired for his intellect, humour, perseverance and love of his work. I recommend this book to anyone who loves the horror genre. This is a mandatory introductory course.
  patrickmalka | Nov 11, 2011 |
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2010 Stoker Award Winner for Superior Achievement in NonfictionExplore the world of writing horror from a Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild award-winning author's point of view. Gary Braunbeck uses film, fiction, and life experience to elucidate the finer points of storytelling, both in and out of genre. This part-autobiographical, always analytical book looks at how stories develop and what makes them work--or not work--when they're told.Be warned: reality is as brutal as fiction. Rob Zombie, police shootings, William Goldman, and human misery are all teachers to the horror neophyte, and Braunbeck uses their lessons to make To Each Their Darkness a whirlwind of horror and hope for the aspiring writer.

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