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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010)

Tekijä: Oliver Bowden

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
605839,639 (3.61)-
While Rome lies in ruins and in the shadow of the Borgia family, Ezio, the master assassin, seeks to avenge his uncle's death.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
As books based on games go this is one of the best I've read. I think I could safely recommend this to someone who didn't know anything about the games.
  KayleeWin | Apr 19, 2023 |
Segunda entrega de las aventuras de Ezio Auditore basada en el juego superventas de Ubisoft. «Viajaré hasta el corazón negro de un imperio corrupto para acabar con mis enemigos. Pero Roma no se construyó en un día y no será un asesino solitario el que la restablezca. Soy Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Esta es mi hermandad.» Roma, que una vez fue poderosa, está en ruinas. La ciudad está plagada de sufrimiento y degradación, y sus habitantes viven a la sombra de la implacable familia Borgia. Tan sólo un hombre puede liberar al pueblo de la tiranía de los Borgia: Ezio Auditore, el maestro asesino. La búsqueda de Ezio le pondrá a prueba. Cesare Borgia, un hombre más infame y peligroso que su padre el Papa, no descansará hasta conquistar Italia. Y en una época tan traicionera, la conspiración está en todas partes, incluso dentro de la misma Hermandad…
  Natt90 | Jul 7, 2022 |
Brotherhood wasn't as appealing to me as Renaissance had been. Maybe it was because Ezio was meant to be older and wiser, but so many times his enemies would escape with their lives. That wore on my nerves fast. For skilled assassins, they hardly dispatched their enemies as soon as they could have. It irritated me how the escaped villains would reappear and either escape again, cause distractions for the assassins to deal with, or just plainly be annoying. I would have enjoyed reading this more if the kills were quicker, but then I guess the book would have ended far sooner then it did. ( )
  AlphaHikar | Jan 7, 2015 |
I finished the book not really caring about what had happened to people and who survived, it would probably have appealed to folks who had played the game, which I haven't, and it just didn't really flow for me. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Nov 3, 2014 |
I'm always slightly dubious whenever I start a video game book adaptation. they're rarely anything special and they're often very forgettable reads. So I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed reading Brotherhood.

From the beginning, Bowden's style felt a little flat and a little unimaginative, add to that his sometimes clumsy structure. There were the occasional random changes in POV which just seemed awkward.
As I read through the first few chapters I felt like I was simply reading through a log of someone playing the game. "I did this challenge/ quest, then there's a cut scene *insert subtitled dialogue copied off screen*, then I did this next quest..." you get the picture. That threw me a little and I was a bit let down. However, after a few chapters it felt like Bowden had found his stride and warmed to the idea. It became less of a log of the experience and more of a novelization of the game although the clumsiness didn't disappear. As I read on I found myself becoming engaged in the story, despite knowing essentially what happened already - I haven't played the game, although I have watched a play-through of it. The story of Ezio Auditore's fight to eradicate the evil Borgia family's influence over Italy moved along in an exciting and interesting way, adding a little flesh to the bones of the Brotherhood game. You get to see a little added material through this book - some of the bits and pieces that link the individual "memories" of the game. An enjoyable experience for the majority of the book.
But, as I got closer to the end of the book it started to feel like Bowden was rushing, almost like he'd totally lost interest in the project. As I reached the last part of the book (it's divided into three parts) I was finding pointlessly short chapters; for example, chapter 59 is one paragraph long and a paragraph that could have easily been added to the previous chapter. This almost lazy and pointless extending of the chapter number did annoy me a little as it just seemed unnecessary.
But I can say that these things didn't hamper my enjoyment of the story and the book as a whole.

I was pleasantly surprised by Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's not amazingly written, but it's rather enjoyable. It's very much a nerdy gamer's book so if you've never played the games or don't really have that much of an interest in them then I would stay away from this one, if I were you... ( )
  NerdOnTheFloor | Nov 1, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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While Rome lies in ruins and in the shadow of the Borgia family, Ezio, the master assassin, seeks to avenge his uncle's death.

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2.5 2
3 15
3.5 2
4 18
5 11

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