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The Highway of Heroes

Tekijä: Kathy Stinson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2011 Vancouver Children's Literature Roundtable - Information Book Award 2011/2012 Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award nomninee 2012 Silver Birch Nonfiction Award nominee 2012 Golden Oak Award nominee A young boy has lost his father, a soldier killed in action overseas. He and his mother travel the stretch of Highway 401 between Trenton and Toronto, called the Highway of Heroes, marking the route of fallen soldiers who return to Canada. This photographic picture book pays tribute to the sacrifices of those Canadian men and women in our armed forces and their families, while highlighting the remarkable patriotism of Canadian citizens who honour them. A share of the proceeds from the sale of Highway of Heroes will go to Wounded Warriors, a charity that has offered support to wounded soldiers and their families since 2006. A portion will also go to UNICEF, the organization that has been working to improve quality of life for children around the world since 1946.… (lisätietoja)

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Highway of Heroes is a photographic picture book about the remarkable way that Canadians have come to honour fallen soldiers from all over Canada along the stretch of Highway 401 known as the Highway of Heroes. It tells the fictional story of one boy's journey along the route after his dad has been killed in Afghanistan and the factual story behind the Highway of Heroes phenomenon.
  terriorl | Nov 14, 2011 |
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2011 Vancouver Children's Literature Roundtable - Information Book Award 2011/2012 Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award nomninee 2012 Silver Birch Nonfiction Award nominee 2012 Golden Oak Award nominee A young boy has lost his father, a soldier killed in action overseas. He and his mother travel the stretch of Highway 401 between Trenton and Toronto, called the Highway of Heroes, marking the route of fallen soldiers who return to Canada. This photographic picture book pays tribute to the sacrifices of those Canadian men and women in our armed forces and their families, while highlighting the remarkable patriotism of Canadian citizens who honour them. A share of the proceeds from the sale of Highway of Heroes will go to Wounded Warriors, a charity that has offered support to wounded soldiers and their families since 2006. A portion will also go to UNICEF, the organization that has been working to improve quality of life for children around the world since 1946.

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