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Café Society: Socialites, Patrons, and Artists 1920-1960

Tekijä: Thierry Coudert

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
473545,979 (4)-
Exclusive, extravagant, and beautiful, these cosmopolitan socialites were the patrons who galvanized the phenomenal success of the greatest creators of the early twentieth century. It was a whirlwind of sumptuously-decorated villas and yachts, up-and-coming haute couture and jewelry designers, and elite evening parties, immortalized by fashion photographers like Cecil Beaton. Combining elegance and fantasy, the members of the Café Society enjoyed a sophisticated, avant-garde lifestyle. Some of the century's most original talents--from Cole Porter to Yves Saint Laurent--stepped into the limelight via the Café Society. Through archival photographs and period documents, this volume recounts in historical detail the intrigue and impact generated around the world by this stylish jet-set.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
A fascinating look into the lives of the Socialites of the past. This book has some wonderful photographs and interesting tales featuring a variety of celebrities from the 1920s to the 1960s. Great examples of past fashions (clothing, interior design, architecture and social activities) There is an interesting mix of subjects - many of whom appeared to be less than agreeable and not my idea of good company. ( )
  SarahEBear | Jun 1, 2024 |
Combining elegance and fantasy, the members of the café society enjoyed a sophisticated, avant-garde lifestyle.Through archival photographs and period documents, this book recounts in historical detail the intrigue and impact generated around the world by this stylish jet-set.
  CatalogoLDTM | May 3, 2019 |
interesting vignettes of people with class / money / nothing to do — little intelligence — Duke / Duchess Windsor —
Snubs — not who invited — Who Wasn't
Pre WWII — Post WWI — horrible destruction — devastation — world over as we know it — Barons / Counts Roaming World — Invented Sun Bathing — prior to this no one had time / $ lie on beach!

Aristocrats, millionaires, painters, fashion designers, choreographers, and musicians of the café society fox-trot aboard cruise liners and mingle at dazzling parties in Paris. Exclusive, extravagant, and beautiful, these cosmopolitan socialites were the patrons who galvanized the phenomenal success of the greatest creators of the early twentieth century. It was a whirlwind of sumptuously decorated villas and yachts, up-and-coming haute couture and jewelry designers, and elite evening parties, immortalized by fashion photographers like Cecil Beaton. Combining elegance and fantasy, the members of the café society enjoyed a sophisticated, avant-garde lifestyle. Some of the century’s most original talents—from Cole Porter to Yves Saint Laurent—stepped into the limelight via the café society.
  christinejoseph | Sep 12, 2017 |
näyttää 3/3
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Exclusive, extravagant, and beautiful, these cosmopolitan socialites were the patrons who galvanized the phenomenal success of the greatest creators of the early twentieth century. It was a whirlwind of sumptuously-decorated villas and yachts, up-and-coming haute couture and jewelry designers, and elite evening parties, immortalized by fashion photographers like Cecil Beaton. Combining elegance and fantasy, the members of the Café Society enjoyed a sophisticated, avant-garde lifestyle. Some of the century's most original talents--from Cole Porter to Yves Saint Laurent--stepped into the limelight via the Café Society. Through archival photographs and period documents, this volume recounts in historical detail the intrigue and impact generated around the world by this stylish jet-set.

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