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Yoga Mat Companion 1: Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses

Tekijä: Ray Long

Sarjat: Yoga Mat Companion Series (Book 1)

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551475,384 (2)-
Presents a scientific approach to understanding the practice of hatha yoga: through full-color, three-dimensional illustrations of major muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This book describes the correct positioning of hatha yoga poses (asanas) and their benefits.

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Master the science behind Vinyasa Flow and the standing poses of Hatha Yoga. Dr. Ray Long guides you on a visual narrative through the anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology of this ancient art, decoding each pose along the way. The Mat Companion series provides you with beautifully illustrated, step-by-step instructions on how to use scientific principles to obtain the maximum benefit from your practice. Each book includes the Bandha Yoga Codex, a simple five-step process that can be applied to any pose to improve strength, flexibility, and precision -- no matter what style of yoga you practice.

About the Author:

Ray Long, MD, FRCSC, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of Bandha Yoga. He is the author of the bestselling series, The Key Muscles of Yoga and The Key Poses of Yoga.
  Saraswati_Library | Sep 15, 2010 |
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Presents a scientific approach to understanding the practice of hatha yoga: through full-color, three-dimensional illustrations of major muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This book describes the correct positioning of hatha yoga poses (asanas) and their benefits.

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