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The Who on Record: A Critical History, 1963-1998

Tekijä: John Atkins

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512,992,540 (5)-
More than just a biography or discography, this work is a thoroughly detailed guide to the recorded works of the legendary British rock and roll group The Who. From their early hits of the 1960s (""I Can't Explain"" and ""My Generation"") through the ambitious concept works (""Tommy"", ""Lifehouse"", ""Quadrophenia"") to their later successes, this work encompasses the entire range of The Who's music. The chronological narrative stretches from their beginnings in West London in the early 1960s to their international superstar status through the 1970s and 1980s. Each phase of the band's recording career is given detailed coverage, along with historical background notes and a critical analysis of every known Who recording.Many previously uncovered facts are incorporated into the text, and the author has been able to glean exclusive information from The Who's archives. Unrealized Who projects such as the ""Lifehouse"" film, as well as many unreleased performances, are discussed and analyzed for the first time in print. Finally, the work contains a definitive discography of currently available CDs and an exhaustive appendix of every known Who song with relevant recording information.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatLepophagus, jtnhideelee, McFarland

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While I gave this book five stars, I caution those not fond of The Who away from this book. This is essentially a work of academia, and borders on the intellectual more often than being a casual read. That having been said, the analysis given to the albums was both thorough and thoughtful. It is about time The Who's work was held to such scrutiny.

[a:John Atkins|477540|John F. Atkins|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg] takes the time to give The Who their due, and unlike [a:Dave Marsh|103219|Dave Marsh|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-M-50x66-e07624dc012f2cce49c7d9aa6500c6c0.jpg] he gives equal weight to their post-78 recordings as he does those prior. His criticism is cutting, but not undeserved, and the bittersweet career of the band is outlined in a clear manner.

This book was fascinating, and I truly enjoyed it. There were recordings mentioned that I had not yet heard of, and the index in the back is very much appreciated. This book will prove interesting to fans of The Who, and more expressly, fans of Townshend's work. While [a:John Atkins|477540|John F. Atkins|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg] does his best to give each member of the band equal focus, the focus tends to turn towards Townshend out of sheer necessity. ( )
  Lepophagus | Jun 14, 2018 |
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More than just a biography or discography, this work is a thoroughly detailed guide to the recorded works of the legendary British rock and roll group The Who. From their early hits of the 1960s (""I Can't Explain"" and ""My Generation"") through the ambitious concept works (""Tommy"", ""Lifehouse"", ""Quadrophenia"") to their later successes, this work encompasses the entire range of The Who's music. The chronological narrative stretches from their beginnings in West London in the early 1960s to their international superstar status through the 1970s and 1980s. Each phase of the band's recording career is given detailed coverage, along with historical background notes and a critical analysis of every known Who recording.Many previously uncovered facts are incorporated into the text, and the author has been able to glean exclusive information from The Who's archives. Unrealized Who projects such as the ""Lifehouse"" film, as well as many unreleased performances, are discussed and analyzed for the first time in print. Finally, the work contains a definitive discography of currently available CDs and an exhaustive appendix of every known Who song with relevant recording information.

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